Day 72

Awesome mailbox #27

June 6th, 2010

In the background you can see Would-have-been-an-awesome-mailbox-if-I-hadn't-seen-this-even-awesomer-mailbox-first #1.


  1. that is a great mail box!! Have a awesome day!

  2. Karen Too says:

    Is there some sort of mailbox competition happening on this stretch of turf? Also, is that a key hanging down on this one? If so, I wonder why.

    These mailbox photos are a hoot.

  3. Mike says:

    That a sweet looking mailbox!

  4. James says:

    I saw those 2 when I was looking for ya, Matt. They both certainly are creative.

    It was great meeting you and talking with you today. Good luck on your journey!

  5. I like what looks like a nice wide mail truck lane on the side of the roadway where the boxes stick out too. Looks much safer that way for the mail man/lady to deliver the mail. And the box goes without saying. It’s awesome!

  6. Lisa says:

    Thie one is my favorite so far

  7. Caroline says:

    Superfun. :O)

  8. Jenypher O. says:

    The back one is this guy’s female counterpart. I love them!

  9. Candice in Alabama says:

    So far, for me – this is the most awesome mailbox holder yet! I’ve seen a lot of unique mailbox “art” in rural Alabama – but this one takes the cake! Still trying to catch up with you Matt.

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