Day 1

And to cap off the first day…

January 1st, 2012

...a dip in the ocean at Brighton Beach!


  1. Kier from Oregon says:

    Day One and in the water…you have an amazing constitution my friend to swim in January! Loving your work of documenting NYC with your creative eye and humor. Happy Travels…

  2. Joisy Jeff says:

    ahh a polar bear club tradition. Shot of Vodka, afterwards?

  3. 1Sun Goddess says:

    The ceremonial dip…….Cheers to you and your NYC adventure!

    May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back,
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    And the rains fall soft upon your fields…..

  4. Gigi says:

    That was a great collection of Day 1 pictures. Looking forward to the rest. Have a great adventure Matt!

  5. Piece of cake…in Minnesota they cut through the ice and take the plunge…if they wait too long it re-freezes…so it needs to be “right in” after the hole is cut…but Brighton Beach is cold enough…hope you put on some clothes before you continued your walk!!!…

  6. Tna says:

    You be pushin my leg surely.

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