1938 Westinghouse Time Capsule
Complete List Contents

Where several competitive items of equal archaeological value were available, but only one could be included, the item selected was chosen by lot. The name of the maker, when given in the following list, is provided only for type and style identification. Choice of any article for the Time Capsule is not to be interpreted either as a special endorsement of that article or a reflection on the quality of any competing article.

| Small Articles of Common Use | Textiles and Materials | Miscellaneous Items |
| Essay in Microfilm | Newsreel |

I.SMALL ARTICLES OF COMMON USE that we wear or use, or which 
contribute to our comfort, convenience, safety, or health.  About 35 in number, these 
articles are separately described and pictured in the microfilm essay.  In addition, 
labels and descriptions are wrapped with each.

Contributing to Convenience, Comfort, Health, Safety:
Alarm clock
Can opener
Eyeglasses, bifocals (Bausch & Lomb)
Fountain pen (Waterman)
Mazda electric lamp (Westinghouse, 60 watt, 110 volt)
Mechanical pencil (Waterman)
Miniature camera (Eastman, Bantam K.A. special f.4.5. lens)
Nail File
Padlock and keys (The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company)
Safety pin
Silverware -- knife, fork, spoon (Heirloom plate, Grenoble 
pattern, by Wm. A. Rogers Ltd., Oneida Ltd. Successor)
Slide rule
Tape measure (Keuffel & Esser)
Tooth brush
Tooth powder in small container
Transmitter and receiver of ordinary handset telephone
Watch (small wrist watch for woman)
Westinghouse Sterilamp (bactericidal)

For the Pleasure, Use, and Education of Children

Boy's toy -- a mechanical, spring propelled automobile
Girl's toy -- a small doll
Mickey Mouse child's cup of plastic material
(Bryant Electric Company)
Set of Alphabet blocks

Pertaining to the  Grooming and Vanity of Women

Woman's hat, style of Autumn, 1938 (designed specially by 
Lilly Dache)
Cosmetic make-up kit (Elizabeth Arden Daytime-Cyclamen Color
Harmony Box, including two miniature boxes of face-
powder, lipstick, rouge, eye shadow)
Rhinestone clip (purchased at Woolworth's)

Pertaining Principally to the Grooming, Vanity or Personal Habits of Men

Container of tobacco
Electric razor and cord (Remington-Rand Close Shaver with
Westinghouse motor, General Shaver Corp.)
Package of cigarettes
Safety razor and blades (Gillette Aristocrat one-piece razor,
Gillette Safety Razor Co.)
Smoking pipe (Drinkless Kaywoodie, Kaywoodie Company)
Tobacco pouch, closed with zipper (Alfred Dunhill of London)

Pertaining to Games Pictured and Described in Micro-file:

Deck of cards
Golf Ball (Kro-flite, A.G. Spalding & Bros.)
Golf tee
Poker chips

II.TEXTILES AND MATERIALS.  About 75 in number, these comprise 
swatches of various types and weaves of cloth, samples of alloys, plastics, cement, 
asbestos, coal, etc.  Each is described in the microfilm essay, and a further 
description of the composition, nature and use is wrapped with each sample.

Asbestos cloth (Johns-Manville)
Cotton swatches (Jas. McCutcheon & Co.)
Glass fabric samples (Westinghouse glass tape)
Linen swatches (Jas. McCutcheon & Co.)
Rayon swatches (Du Pont and Celanese)
Rubber fabrics (Lastex cloth, United States Rubber Products, 
Silk swatches (Jas. McCutcheon & Co.)
Wool swatches (American Woolen Company)

Metal and Metallic Alloys:

Hipernik (Westinghouse)
Aluminum (Commercially pure sample from Aluminum Company of 
Aluminum high-strength alloy (ST 37 alloy furnished by Aluminum  Company of America)
Carbon steel (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Chromium (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Copper (Westinghouse Research Laboratories)
Ferromanganese (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Ferrosilicon (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Ferrovanadium (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Iron (Pure sample from Westinghouse Research Laboratories)
Magnesium high-strength alloy (Dowmetal, furnished by Dow 
Chemical Company)
Manganese (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Silicon (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Stainless steel (Electro Metallurgical Company)
Temperable copper (Cupaloy, furnished by Westinghouse)
Hipersil (Westinghouse)
Tungsten wire (Filament for Westinghouse Mazda electric lamp)

Non-Metallic Materials and Substances:

Airplane pulley of laminated phenol plastic Micarta -- Westinghouse
Anthracite coal (sealed in glass, furnished by Anthracite
Artificial cellulose sponge (E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.)
Artificial leather
Asbestos shingle (furnished by Johns-Manville)
Beetleware - a specimen of urea plastic (Westinghouse)
Carborundum (The Carborundum Company)
Glass wool
Linen packing thread
Leather samples -- tanned cowhide, genuine morocco (goatskin)
Lucite -- a specimen of methyl methacrylate plastic (du Pont)
Manufactured rubber (tire section furnished by Fisk Tire Co.,
Micarta -- a specimen of phenol plastic (Westinghouse)
Noiseless gear of laminated phenol plastic Micarta -- Westinghouse 
Paper -- four kinds of permanent  rag paper used in money, 
books, permanent ledgers and for special wrapping
Portland Cement (Sample furnished by Portland Cement Co., sealed in glass)
Raw rubber (Furnished by United States Rubber Products, Inc.)
Transite -- a specimen of material made of asbestos and cement
Rock wool (Johns-Manville)
Synthetic "rubber" (Neoprene Chloroprene, furnished 
by du Pont)

III.MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS.  Seeds, books, money, type, special texts, etc.

Money of the United States:

Dollar bill, silver dollar, half dollar, quarter dollar, dime,
nickel, penny

Electrical Items:

Electric wall switch (Bryant Electric Company)
Electric lamp socket (Bryant Electric Company)

Seeds (Selected and furnished by U.S. Department of Agriculture --
sealed in glass tubes)

Wheat, corn, oats, tobacco, cotton, flax, rice, soy beans, alfalfa, sugar beets, 
carrots, barley

Books (All other books, reports, etc. reduced to microfilm)
Selected leather-bound rag-paper copy of the Holy Bible
Copy of the Book of Record of the Time Capsule

Type  (Supplementary to discussions in Micro-file)
Handset type -- Capital and lowercase alphabets of Goudy
No. 2 type, 14 point
Linotype -- 8 point Caslon 13 em slug set on standard
Linotype in the shop of the Tuckahoe Record, Tuckahoe, N.Y.  The line reads: "This type 
set by

Optical Instrument (Other optical instruments described in Micro-File)
Magnifier and viewer for use with microfilm and newsreel film

Special Texts (Written on permanent paper in non-fading ink)

Special messages from noted men of our time (Albert Einstein,
Robert A. Millikan, Karl T. Compton, Thomas Mann)
Certificate of Official Witnesses at packing of the Westinghouse Time Capsule
Message from Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, President of Oglethorpe
List of Westinghouse men whose suggestions, guidance, engineering and other special 
skills made the Time Capsule possible

IV.AN ESSAY IN MICROFILM, comprising books, speeches, excerpts from 
books and encyclopedias, pictures, critiques, reports, circulars, timetables and other 
printed or written matter; the whole producing in logical order a description of our 
time, our arts, sciences, techniques, sources of information and industries.  The essay, 
divided into fifteen sub-sections, contains the equivalent of more than 100 ordinary 
books; a total of more than 22,000 pages, more than 10,000,000 words and 1,000 
pictures.  A microscope is included to enable historians of the future to read the 
microfilm; also included are instructions for making larger reading machines such as 
those used with microfilm in modern libraries.


2.Directions for making a larger projection machine

I.  Aids to Translations

3.Explanation of keys
4.Fable of the North Wind and the Sun in Twenty Languages
5.The Lord's Prayer in 300 Languages
6.The Practical Standard Dictionary: New York: Funk & Wagnalls: 1938
7.Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English, by John S. Farmer
and W.E. Henley: New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.: 6th Impression

II.  Where We Live and Work
9.Individual Homes: Architectural Forum: pages from various 1937-1938 issues
10.Apartments, by Harvey Wiley Corbett: En. Britannica, Vol. 20, 
pp. 870-881
11.The Trailer: catalogue of Kozy Coach, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1938
12.Offices, by Harvey Wiley Corbett: En. Britannica, Vol. 2, pp.
274-287, incl.
13.The Story of Rockefeller Center, 1938
14.Office Equipment, by W.H. Leffingwell: En.  Britannica; 
Vol. 16, pp. 712-719 incl.
15.Office Machines: catalogue of International Business Machines
Corp., 1938
16.Factories: En. Britannica, Vol. 9, pp. 29-31, incl.
17.Photograph of Westinghouse East Pittsburgh Works
18.Photograph of Westinghouse Transformer Works, Sharon, Pa.
19.Photograph of Westinghouse Elevator Works, Jersey City, N.J.
20.Photograph of Headquarters of General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.
21.Photograph of First stages on assembly belt in General Motors
22.Photograph of press that makes automobile tops out of cold steel
23.Photograph of rolling cold steel, American Iron & Steel 
24.Photograph of pouring molten iron into a furnace, Amer. Iron
& Steel Institute.

III. Our Arts and Entertainment

26.The Arts, by Hendrik Willem van Loon: New York: Simon & Schuster
27.Painting: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 17, pp. 36-65
28.Arozco Frescoes
29."Guernica" -- Pablo Picasso
30."American Landscape" -- Charles Sheeler
31."Summer Wind" -- Alexander Brook
32."Promenade" -- Charles Burchfield (1928)
33."Lower Manhattan" -- John Marin (1920)
34."Persistence of Memory" -- Salvador Dali (Catalan)
35."Daughters of the Revolution" -- Grant Wood (American 1932)
36."Composition Black, White & Red" -- Mondrian (Dutch)
37."Dr. Meyer-Hermann" -- Otto Dix
38.Sculpture: Encyclopedia Britannica,  Vol. 20, pp. 198-231
39.Music: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 16, pp. 3-24 (with score)
40.Harmony: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 11, pp. 203-212
41.Finlandia, by Jean Sibelius
42.The Stars and Stripes Forever, by John Philip Sousa
43.The Flat-Foot Floogee, by Slim Gaillard, Slam Stewart and 
Bud Green
44.Photograph of Arturo Toscanini, one of our great directors, 
conducting a symphony orchestra.
45.Photograph of a string quartet
46.Photograph of vocal soloist accompanied by orchestra, with 
audience in foreground
47.Photograph of diners dancing to the accompaniment of an orchestra in a famous New 
York nightclub
48.Catalog of instruments, showing construction, range and how
to manipulate
49.Literature: Introduction
50.The Essay: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8, pp. 716-717
51.Freud, Goethe, Wagner, by Thomas Mann: New York, Alfred A.
Knopf: 1937
52.The Short Story: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, pp. 580-
53.Verse:  Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.23, pp. 96-98
54.The Novel: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 16, pp. 572-577
55."Arrowsmith" by Sinclair Lewis: New York: Grosset & Dunlap:
56."Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell: New York: Macmillan: 1938
57."The Theater" by George Jean Nathan: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 22, pp. 21-41
58.Best Plays (1936-1937) by Burns Mantle: New York: Dodd, Mead
59.Motion Pictures, by Terry Ramsaye: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 854-871
60.Music Hall Program for "You Can't Take It With You," 
September 1, 1938
61.Radio: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 23, pp. 663-668
62.The Story of Radio, by Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr.; New York:  Dial
Press, 1935
63.A radio studio, National Broadcasting Company, New York City
64.Radio Corporation of American Building, Rockefeller Center,
New York
65.Master switchboard of the National  Broadcasting Company
66.Director of radio dramatic program, National Broadcasting
67.Radio broadcasting antenna
68.Radio actors "on the air"
69.Standard Bridge Rules: R.H. Macy & Co., New York, 1938
70.Photo of a bridge tournament: Acme
71.Hoyle's Card Rules: R.H. Macy & Co., New York, 36th Edition,
72.Typical poker scene: Acme
73.Spalding's Rules of Golf -- 1938
74.Typical golf match: Acme
75.Spalding's Football Rules -- 1938
76.Scene from football game
77.Spalding Baseball Rules -- 1938
78.  Scene from a baseball game

NOTE:Wherever reference is made to the Encyclopedia Britannica, we have used the 14th 
Edition -- 1937

IV.  How Information is Disseminated Among Us

79.General Introduction
81.Saturday Evening Post, May 7, 1938
82.Collier's, September 3, 1938
83.Ladies' Home Journal, September 1938
84.Woman's Home Companion, September 1938
85.Vogue, September 1, 1938
86.McCall's, September 1938
87.Good Housekeeping, September 1938
88.Adventure, September 1938
89.Love Story, September 3, 1938
90.True Confessions, October 1938
91.Complete Western Book Magazine, September 1938
92.Detective Story Magazine, October  1938
93.Amazing Stories, October 1938
94.Weird Tales, September 1938
95.American Mercury, September 1938
96.Time, February 28, 1938
97.Newsweek, July 25, 1938
98.Reader's Digest, September 1938
99.Harper's Magazine, August 1938
100The Atlantic Monthly, July 1938
101.Scientific American, September 1938
102.Life, May 23, 1938
103.Look, September 13, 1938
104.Your Life, September 1938
105.Fortune, February 1938
106.New Yorker, September 3, 1938
107.Introduction: A  Magazine of the pre-halftone era
108.Leslie's Weekly, several times
109.Newspapers: Introduction
110.New York Herald Tribune, August 24, 1938
111.New York Times, August 19, 1938
112.New York World-Telegram, August 10, 1938
113.New York Sun, January 8, 1938 (complete final)
114.New York Post, September 6, 1938, Sports Extra
115.New York Journal American, July 14, 1938
116.New York Daily News, August 30, 1938
117.New York Mirror, August 29, 1938
118.Daily Worker, August 30, 1938
119.The Cartoon: Introduction
120.Batchelor's "In the Spring a Young Man's Fancy ..."; Chicago
Tribune-New York News Syndicate, 1938
121.Talburt's "Land of the Rising or Setting Sun?" New York World-
Telegram Syndicate, 1938
122.Kirby's "Laughter for the Gods", New York World-Telegram
Syndicate, 1938
123.The "Funny Paper": Introduction
124.Caniff's "Terry & The Pirates"; Link's "Tiny Tim" and "Dill andDaffy;" Chicago 
Tribune-New York News Syndicate,
June 25, 1938
125.Willard's "Moon Mullins" and Branning's "Winnie Winkle the
Breadwinner," Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, 
June 25, 1938
126.Gray's "Little Orphan Annie" and Gould's "Dick Tracy," Chicago
Tribune-New York News Syndicate, June 25, 1938
127.King's "Gasoline Alley" and Edson's "The Gumps" Chicago Tribune-New York News 
Syndicate, June 25, 1938
128.Segar's "Sappo" and "Thimble Theater," King Features, Sunday,
September 18, 1938
129.Knerr's "Dinglehoofer & His dog" and "The Katzenjammer Kids", King Features, 
September 18, 1938
130.Disney's "Mother Pluto" and "Mickey Mouse," King Features,
September 18, 1938
131.DeBeck's "Bunky" and "Barney Google," King Features,
September18, 1938
132.Cady's "Peter Rabbit;" New York Herald Tribune Syndicate,
September 4, 1938
133.Webster's "Timid Soul;" New York Herald Tribune  Syndicate,
August 7, 1938
134.Webster's "The Thrill that Comes Once in a Lifetime": New York
Herald Tribune Syndicate, August 27, 1938
135.Our Books: Introduction
136.Methods of Printing, by G. Leonard Gold
137.Design and Beauty in Printing, by Frederic W. Goudy: Press of
the Woolly Whale, March 8, 1934
138.A History of the Printed  Book, by Lawrence C. Wroth: New York: Limited Editions 
Club, 1938
139.Color in Use: International Printing Ink Corp., copyrighted
140.Color as Light: International Printing Ink Corp., copyrighted
141.Color Chemistry: International Printing Ink Corp., copyrighted

V. Book of General Information About Us

142.A Book of general information about us: Introduction
143.The World Almanac for 1938

VI.  Our Religious and Philosophies

145.The World's Living Religions, by Robert Ernest Hume: New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936
146.A History of Philosophy, by Alfred Weber & Ralph Barton Perry:
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925

VII.  Our Education and Educational Systems

148.Education: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 7, pp. 964-1005
149.All The Children: 39th Annual Report of the Superintendent of
Schools, New York City, School Year 1936-1937

VIII.  Our Sciences and Techniques

151.Science: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, pp. 115-123
152.Scientific Method: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, 
pp. 127-133
153.The Story of Science, by David Dietz: Dodd, Mead: 1938
154.The Smithsonian Physical Tables: Washington: Smithsonian
Institution, Publication 3171, 1934
155.Meteorology: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 343-356
156.Mathematics: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 69-89
157.Portraits of Eminent Mathematicians, by David Eugene Smith:
New York: Scripta Mathematica, portfolios 1 and 2
158.Telescopes: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 904-909
159.Microscopes: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 433-443

IX.  Our Earth, Its Features and Peoples

161.The World Atlas: New York: Rand McNally
162.Our Races: Introduction
163.The World's Races: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 2, pp. 41-50
164.Explanation of the Fundamental Triangulation Net of the United
States (with map)
165.Methods of Surveying: Coast & Geodetic Survey booklets, Nos.
502, 529, 562, 583, Spec. No. 23, Dept of Commerce
166.Geology: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 10, pp. 155-173
167.Exploring Down, by Sherwin F. Kelly, reprint from the Explosives Engineer, 
Sept.-Oct. 1935
168.The Earth: Chester A. Reeds, New York: The University Press,
First Trade Edition 1935

X. Our Medicine, Public Health, Dentistry and Pharmacy

170.Frontiers of Medicine, by Dr. Morris Fishbein: Baltimore: 
Williams & Wilkins, June 1933
171.Men of Medicine: The March of Time, Issue No. 11, Vol. IV
172.Work of the United States Public Health Service, Reprint 1447
173.Report of the Surgeon General of the United States, 
June 30, 1937
174.Dentistry: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 7, pp. 222-225
175.1937 Year Book of Dentistry
176.United States Pharmacopeia
177.X-Ray and Fluoroscopy: catalogues of the Westinghouse X-Ray

XI.  Our Industries

179.Explanation of Sears, Roebuck catalog
180.Sears, Roebuck catalog No. 177 -- Philadelphia -- Fall &
Winter 1938-39
181.Inventions and Discoveries: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 12,
pp. 545-547
182.Some basic inventions of modern times: United States Patent Office
183.Industrial Revolution: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 12, pp.
184.Industrial Relations: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 12, pp.
185.Management's Responsibility to the Public: an address by A.W.
Robertson,  Chairman of the Board of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, 
Sept. 19, 1938 before 7th International Management Congress
186.Law and Good Will in Industrial Relations: an address by W.G.
Marshall, Vice-President of the Westinghouse Electric & 
Manufacturing Co., before the Committee of One Hundred,
Miami, Fla., March 8, 1938
187.Westinghouse Industrial Relations: a report for 1937
188.The Electrical Industry: Introduction
189.Electricity: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8, pp. 182-217
190.Electric Generator: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8, 
pp. 174-182
191.Electric Power: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8, pp. 144-174
192.Electric Motor: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 872-878
193.Electrical Engineering, Fiftieth Anniversary A.I.E.E. 
1884-1934, May 1934
194.A Life of George Westinghouse, by  Henry G. Prout: New York:
Charles Scribner's: 1926
195.Portions of Westinghouse 1939 Catalogue
196.52nd Annual Report of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Dec. 31, 1937
197.Westinghouse Stockholders' Quarterly for August, 1938
198.Photograph of welding the new office building at the Westinghouse Transformer Works, 
Sharon, Pa.
199."Putting in the Throw" on a 7500 kv-a. synchronous condenser
at the Westinghouse East Pittsburgh Works
200.Photograph of tightening a "steel spider" at the Westinghouse
East Pittsburgh Works
201.Photograph of assembling giant mill motors at the Westinghouse
East Pittsburgh Works
202.Photograph of Ignitron tubes in the Westinghouse Research
203.Photograph of testing a grid-glow tube in the Westinghouse
Research Laboratories
204.Photograph of a lamp machine in the Westinghouse Lamp Works,
Bloomfield, N.J.
205.Photograph of bottom one-third of 800-foot vertical antenna of
Westinghouse radio station KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa.
206.Photograph of a 1938 hostess inspecting complete meal cooking in Westinghouse 
Automeal Roaster at Merchandise Works,
Mansfield, Ohio
207.Agriculture: Introduction
208.Agriculture: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 391-420
209.Agricultural Machinery and Implements: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 370-378
210.A Graphic Summary of Physical Features and Land Utilization in the United States: 
Dept. of Agri., Misc. Publication No.
260, May 1937
211.A Graphic Summary of Farm Tenure: Dept. of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 261, Dec. 1936
212.A Graphic Summary of Farm Taxation: Dept. of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 262, Feb. 1937
213.A Graphic Summary of the Value of Farm property: Dept. of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 263, 
July 1937
214.A Graphic Summary of Farm Machinery, Facilities, Roads and 
Expenditures: Dept. of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 264, 
July 1937
215.A Graphic Summary of Farm Labor and Population: Dept. of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 265, 
Nov. 1937
216.A Graphic Summary of the Number, Size, and Type of Farm and Value of Products: Dept. 
of Agri., Misc. Pub. No. 266,
Oct. 1937
217.A Graphic Summary of Farm Crops: Dept. of  Agri., Misc. Pub.
No. 267, March 1938
218.Automobiles: Introduction
219.Motor Car: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 880-901
220.Automobile Facts and Figures: Automobile Manufacturers' 
Association, 1938 edition
221.A Chronicle of the Automotive Industry in America 1892-1936,
Eaton Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio
222.Aviation: Introduction
223.Aero Engines: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 237-242
224.Aeronautics: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 242-250
225.Aeroplane: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 250-258
226.Civil Aviation: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 2, pp. 801-812
227.The Aircraft Yearbook for 1938: Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc.
228.TWA Timetable, July 1, 1938
229.United  Airlines Timetable, July 1, 1938
230.Eastern Air Lines Timetable, August 15, 1938
231.American Airlines Timetable, August 1, 1938
232.Northwest Air Lines Timetable, August 1938
233.Pan American Timetable, July 1, 1938
234.Air France Timetable, Summer 1938, From March 27 to Oct. 1
235.Imperial Airways Timetable, July 1938
236.Swissair Timetable, Summer 1938
237.Swedish Air Lines Timetable, Mar. 27-Oct. 1, 1938
238.Canadian Colonial Airways, July 1, 1938
239.Ships and Shipping: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, 
pp. 505-563
240.Chemical Industry: Introduction
241.The Chemical Elements and Their Discoveries, Fisher Scientific
Co., Jan. 1936
242.Chemistry: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, pp. 355-410
243.Applied Chemistry: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, 
pp. 410-412
244.A World of Change: and address by Dr. Edward R. Weidlein as 
President of the American Chemical Society,  Rochester
meeting, Sept. 9, 1937
245.Industrial Chemistry, by William Thornton Read: New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1933
246.Coal and Coal Mining: Introduction
247.Coal and Coal Mining: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, 
pp. 868-912
248.The Formation and Characteristics of Pennsylvania Anthracite:
the Anthracite Institute
249.Communications: Introduction
250.Telegraph: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 21, pp. 880-893
251.Telephone: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 21, pp. 894-904
252.Food Industries: Introduction
253.Food Preservation, Service and Supply: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 9, pp. 457-460
254.Canning: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 4, pp. 748-751
255.The Story of Frosted Foods: Birdseye Company, 1938
256.Nutritive Aspects of Canned Foods, a pamphlet: American Can
257.More About Canned Foods, a pamphlet: American Can Company
258.Representative menus, 1938. (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer
menus furnished by Childs Restaurants).
259.Metals and Mining: Introduction
260.Metals: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 323-325
261.Metallurgy: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 310-323
262.Metallography: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pp. 308-310
263.Iron, Iron and Steel, Iron in Art: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 12, pp. 645-682 incl.
264.Aluminum: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 1, pp. 713-720
265.Copper: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 6, pp. 401-409
266.Metalliferous Mining: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, 
pp. 544-551
267.Petroleum: Introduction
268.Petroleum: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 17, pp. 662-669
269.The Rise of American Oil, by Leonard M. Fanning: New York:
Harper & Brothers, 1936
270.Railroads: Introduction
271.Railways: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 18, pp. 916-952
272.New York Central Timetable,  Form 1001, July 25, 1938
273.Pennsylvania Railroad Timetable, Aug. 28, 1938
274.Baltimore & Ohio Timetable, July 17, 1938 (East and West)
275.Union Pacific Timetable, Revised to June 12, 1938
276.Northern Pacific Timetable, Corrected to June 20, 1938, 
F. 5111
277.Southern Pacific Timetable, Aug. 15-Sept. 1938, Form A
278.Santa Fe Timetable, Corrected to August 7, 1938
279.Streamlined Pennsylvania train
280.Textiles: Introduction
281.Textiles and Embroideries: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 22,
pp. 1-6
282.Weaving: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 23, pp. 455-466
283.Dyeing: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 7, pp. 789-795
284.Synthetic Dyes: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 7, pp. 796-807
285.Designing Women, by Margaretta Byers with Consuelo Kamholz: 
New York: Simon & Schuster: 1938
286.Women's Wear Style Sheet, 1938
287.Women's Wear for September 1, 1938
288.Fall Textures in duPont Rayon (swatches included in Capsule as
objects) 1938

XII.  New York World's Fair 1939
290.Message from Grover Whalen, President of the World's Fair
291.New York, the World's Fair City
292.World's Fair Bulletin A Year from Today
293.World's Fair Bulletin: Participation Issue
294.World's Fair Bulletin for June, 1938
295.List of Officers and Department Heads of the World's Fair

XIII.  The Objects in the Capsule

296.Introduction and List

XIV.  The Men Who Made the Capsule


XV.  How We Appear, Talk and Act; and Scenes of Our Day

299.Technology of Amateur and Professional Motion Pictures; Encyclopedia Britannica, 
Vol. 15, pp. 867-871
300.Motion Picture Technology: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.
15, pp. 854-867
301.Photoelectricity: Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 17, 
pp. 788-793
302.Production and projection of the Motion Picture, by Terry
Ramsaye, Editor, Motion Picture Herald
303.How to Build a Projection Machine: (diagrams and photos).
304.A projection machine

 V. NEWSREEL.  Characteristic or significant scenes in sound film 
prepared by RKO-Pathe Pictures, Inc. for the Time Capsule.  Instructions for making a 
suitable projection machine to use this film are included in the microfilm Micro-File.

Characteristic or Significant Scenes in Sound Film Prepared for the Time Capsule by 
RKO-Pathe Pictures.  Instructions for Making a Suitable Projection Machine for the Use 
of This Film are Included in Microfilm Micro-File.

The newsreel runs about 15 minutes.  It comprises the following scenes:

1.Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, 
speaking at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1938, on occasion of the 75th 
anniversary of the celebrated battle of the United States Civil War.  
Veterans of both sides, attending final reunion, are present.
2.Howard Hughes, celebrated aviator, who made 
"Around-the-World-flight" as "Air Ambassador" for New York's World Fair 
1939, in three days, 19 1/4 hours, July 1938.

3.Jesse Owens, American negro athlete, winning 100 meter dash 
in 1936 Olympic games.

4.Collegiate football: Harvard-Yale, November 1936 at "Yale 
Bowl," New Haven, Conn. Yale wins 14-13.

5.Baseball: Big League--All-Star Game at Crosley Field in 
Cincinnati, Ohio. 28,000 spectators--July 1938.  Nationals defeat American 

6.United States Pacific Fleet setting out for six weeks in 
maneuvers, showing battleships in formation off Long Beach, California, in 
March 1938.

7.Soviets celebrate International Labor Day, May 1938, in Red 
Square, Moscow, Russia.  Two shots of soldiers marching.

8.Greatest demonstration of military prowess in the United 
States since the World War, at Fort Benning, Georgia, April 1938, showing 
tanks and other war machines.

9.Bombing of Canton, typical episode in the undeclared war 
between China and Japan.  Canton, Chin, June 1938.
a.Pathe cameraman, A.T. Hull, wearing helmet, in 
cockpit of plant, about to take-off to make pictures.
b.Smoke rising from explosions off in distance.
c.Terror-stricken civilians in street.
d.Red Cross men and women, many of whom are injured 
while ministering to the victims.

10.Fashion Show at Miami, Florida, April 1938.
a.General view of luxurious scene in which the 
audience is seated around a swimming pool, watching models displaying 
advance summer fashions.
b.Two girls in long beach coats.
c.Two girls in long beach coats opened to reveal 
bathing suits, wearing enormous straw  hats.
d.Afternoon dress.
e.Flowered print afternoon dress with large hat.
f.Another afternoon dress with brilliantly colored 
accessories, and large hat.

11.Preview of World's Fair--1939: May, 1938
a.Motorcade of nearly 500 vehicles and floats, 
including the prize-winning Westinghouse float, going up a street in 
downtown Manhattan between sidewalks lined with crowds, under show of 
b.Sports float with Babe Ruth, baseball hero.
c.Motorcade entering partially completed Fair grounds.
d.Fiorello LaGuardia, Mayor of New York City, and 
Grover A. Whalen, President of the Fair, in reviewing stand at Fair 
e."Theme Float" bearing replica of Trylon and 

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