I'm walking every street in New York City.
This is the counterpoint to
my walk across the US. Instead of seeing a million places for just a minute each, I'm going to spend a million minutes exploring just one place. By the time I finish walking every block of every street in all five boroughs, I'll have traveled more than 8,000 miles on foot — all within a single city.
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Your donations allow me to keep walking full-time. If you think what I'm doing is valuable and you'd like to offer some support, I would be very grateful. On the other hand, if you think I'm a worthless bum, feel free to email me and tell me to get a job, bozo. Both are excellent options!
Brilliant, but how does he steer???
If you look closely, you can see that the back handlebars actually control the front wheel.
I just found these photos of my kids and me from a few years ago — I love them! We’ve done this stunt in subsequent years, and you can see photos from this year here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNOeksaYkpisQEJO-VJVw2N5Hlr0HmS4uTC9oxMAZ1UroT7DA2NDI1YzhXQlXZfag?key=NDhvUV9Nd1B1U1ZFemNydmRtLU92Q2NFTUU1NEVn.