This is the Lower Montauk Branch, not the Rockaway Beach Branch. (See the previous post.) Freight trains still occasionally run on this line. It’s the defunct Rockaway Beach Branch that may one day become the Queensway. The Rockaway Beach Branch runs along the western edge of this section of Forest Park, and you can tell it’s abandoned when you see it.
This is the counterpoint to my walk across the US. Instead of seeing a million places for just a minute each, I'm going to spend a million minutes exploring just one place. By the time I finish walking every block of every street in all five boroughs, I'll have traveled more than 8,000 miles on foot — all within a single city. Details!
Your donations allow me to keep walking full-time. If you think what I'm doing is valuable and you'd like to offer some support, I would be very grateful. On the other hand, if you think I'm a worthless bum, feel free to email me and tell me to get a job, bozo. Both are excellent options!
Did you introduce yourself as Hobo Matt? ;-)
I think this is part of the Queensway, I’ve walked with them for part of this trail. I hope this project comes into fruition in the near future.
Take a look at his response we were both wrong…..
It is indeed possible. It is part of the long since closed Rockaway Beach branch. The subway down there uses it.
Matt where did you make your entrance onto the Queensway?
This is the Lower Montauk Branch, not the Rockaway Beach Branch. (See the previous post.) Freight trains still occasionally run on this line. It’s the defunct Rockaway Beach Branch that may one day become the Queensway. The Rockaway Beach Branch runs along the western edge of this section of Forest Park, and you can tell it’s abandoned when you see it.
Then both of us were thinking of a different place and in the park.