Day 1

Rocks on the headstone

December 31st, 2011

A Jewish custom


  1. Joisy Jeff says:

    Grossman has many friends and family. A life well lived. RIP

  2. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    I see many headstones in the background with rocks on them too. What does it mean? Anyone know?

  3. Tna says:

    Why are there yellow PC stickers on the headstone?

    • Matt Green says:

      PC stands for perpetual care. It means that money has been paid into a trust fund for the future upkeep of the grave. According to the NYS Division of Cemeteries:

      Q: Can monies be set aside for the eternal care of the cemetery?

      A: In those cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the Cemetery Board, two principal trust funds exist: the perpetual care fund and the permanent maintenance fund. The perpetual care fund consists of individual and varied amounts of contributions by lot owners. The permanent maintenance fund is funded with a portion of current lot sale receipts and $35 from every interment.

      The important distinction between these two funds is that perpetual care funds are used for the care of individual graves, plots, mausoleums, or columbarium spaces; while permanent maintenance funds are for cemetery care overall. Only the interest from these funds can be used for maintenance; the principal must remain intact.

  4. I am learning so much, and it’s only Day 1! And yes, what are those PC stickers? In California they would stand for politically correct :-)

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