“Silk”, eh? How about “Beggin’ for a heart attack before age 50”? That’s a more fitting name for someone who eats fried meat (or whatever the heck that breaded stuff is) with mayo.
I had a traumatic experience with a sign in a BK bathroom when I was a kid. Someone wrote, using a bar of soap “You suck dead dogs” on the mirror. I can still see it now, and it was 30+ years ago. BK + signs don’t mix for me. :(
I can definitely think of several things that your preferred fast food ingredients say about a you.
None of them have to do with silk – unless that’s what your muumuus are made of…
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
“Silk”, eh? How about “Beggin’ for a heart attack before age 50”? That’s a more fitting name for someone who eats fried meat (or whatever the heck that breaded stuff is) with mayo.
Oh boy. This sign is foreboding, and I read on with not a little trepidation.
By the time you get the signs read, the meal’s over.
I had a traumatic experience with a sign in a BK bathroom when I was a kid. Someone wrote, using a bar of soap “You suck dead dogs” on the mirror. I can still see it now, and it was 30+ years ago. BK + signs don’t mix for me. :(
I can definitely think of several things that your preferred fast food ingredients say about a you.
None of them have to do with silk – unless that’s what your muumuus are made of…
I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom
Whoa Nicole, TMI. TMI.
My favorite ‘have it your way’ message was on the exit doors:
You can have things your way and push it if you want, but this door is pretty stubborn.