Day 75

Flower close-up

June 9th, 2010

Sweet Williams! (I think.)


  1. Janna in Alabama says:

    I believe prolly dianthus. Very pretty. :]

  2. Jeff says:

    dianthus is right. That is my take.

  3. Mom says:

    Definitely Dianthus, but maybe a pink rather than Sweet William.

  4. mindy says:

    absolutely beautiful!!!

  5. Karen Too says:

    Yay! Mom is back, and with more flower comments. Thanks to Janna and Jeff, too.

    Gorgeous flowers; amazing detail. Thanks for the close-up, Matt.

  6. Jeff says:

    Your welcome. hello Matt’s Mom.

  7. Rod Norris says:

    Nice pics Matt.. you’re getting a fine collection.

  8. Carrie says:

    Definitely Dianthis, I have these in my yard.

  9. Renee' says:

    I have these in my yard too, although our 110 degree weather is slowly wilting them. I wish they grew wild here!!!Hi! MOM!too

  10. colleen says:

    i look forward to these photos every day…..this is so exciting to be a part of your journey here on line…thanks Matt!

  11. CPinMI says:

    Definitely Dianthus, I have it growing crazy this year in my beds.

  12. Janine says:

    They’re edible, too. Welcome back, Mom!

  13. Nicole says:

    My favorite picture

  14. Candice in Alabama says:

    Wallpaper fodder for me!

  15. Bernd says:

    This picture is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes! It is almost like they were waiting there for you and trying very hard to look their best. Then you took this amazing picture of them and they will be beautiful for a long time and touch the heart of many people!

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