Day 77

Best leech prices in the state

June 11th, 2010

This place must have done great business in medieval times.


  1. Saun in Ohio says:

    Thanks for the pics I look forward to seeing them everyday :)

  2. Julie says:

    I dont think I would pay even $1.00 for crappie scoop…hehe ;-)

  3. Karen Too says:

    I had to do the math to see how much a bargain it would be to go for a pound of leeches, versus by the dozen, so I turned to Google to find out how many leeches per pound. (The things one can find on the Internet.)

    Here’s what I found, and $20 per pound is a very good deal. Learn, too, how to care for your leeches, and how they “catch these bad boys.”

    (By the way, on the above site, there’s another line I found hilarious: “Great for a weekend at the cabin with the family!”)

    The only leeches that I ever caught were the ones I had to remove from my body after getting into a creek to drag my boat out of some mud. I don’t recommend this as a regular method of catching them.

  4. Jeff says:

    soooooooooo how many leeches in a pound? hmmm No medical leeches for sale here…yuck, yuck and on last yuck.

    • Karen Too says:

      Check out the link, Jeff. Everything you wanted to know about leeches, but never thought to ask.

      The little buggers do work wonders in the medical world, but speaking from personal experience, yes, “yuck” is the word.

  5. Greg says:

    Thank god that’s not the ice cream list!

  6. El Grego says:

    I’d be in heaven if we had bait options like thems back here in La Crosse. Damn!

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