You say to yourself… this is a great way to journey with Matt…Wonder how he came up with it and how it works…….. Have a good read:
Jason I googled Matt and when I went to Images…I happen to pull up this link from there. Nice comments mates!
Praises to both (and god while I am at it). Great Journey, Great pictures. Great fun.
Well shucks guys, I’m glad you guys are sticking around and that the site has taken on a life of its own. (I used to be able to read all the comments; now I can hardly keep up with all the posts.)
Jason: Hope yu dont mind I “Matt Fact”ed you. so many people were enjoying Matt, His walk and this site – that I wanted to share the details I found about this creation. Great Job. Hope it brings you business and if not…enjoy us tag alongs…and we will keep your 15 minutes going
Kuuuuudoooooos to Jason! Love the site! Very creative and user-friendly use of the “geospatial and temporal linearity” to keep us all interested and turn us into fans.
Sitting at His Computer: Jason Eppink
For your part in bringing the adventures of Matt and his trusty side kick “the cart” to us…
(I have enjoyed for over a month and went back read from day one)
…I thank you.
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
It’s a mosaic tire!
It’s a camileon-cart!
That is one incredibly durable cart, to say the least.
First cart I’ve ever seen with all terrain tires. I’m sure it doesn’t add to the rolling resistance. lol
Right out of the stonage…….willllmaaaaa
Matt Fact:
You say to yourself… this is a great way to journey with Matt…Wonder how he came up with it and how it works…….. Have a good read:
Good call, Jeff. I keep forgetting to give a shout out to Jason Eppink for his great work on this site. Thanks for the reminder.
Jason, excellent job, and thanks so much. We wouldn’t be enjoying this journey without your hard work, and creativity.
Thanks Jason for doing the web site. I’m having a great time following Matt’s journey and will continue till he gets to the other side.
Jason I’m so appreciative of the time and effort you put into this website. I have really enjoyed checking in with Matt’s daily adventures.
Jason I googled Matt and when I went to Images…I happen to pull up this link from there. Nice comments mates!
Praises to both (and god while I am at it). Great Journey, Great pictures. Great fun.
Thanks Jason- what a great friend …. it sure is fun to walk with Matt… via the maps…
Well shucks guys, I’m glad you guys are sticking around and that the site has taken on a life of its own. (I used to be able to read all the comments; now I can hardly keep up with all the posts.)
Jason: Hope yu dont mind I “Matt Fact”ed you. so many people were enjoying Matt, His walk and this site – that I wanted to share the details I found about this creation. Great Job. Hope it brings you business and if not…enjoy us tag alongs…and we will keep your 15 minutes going
Kuuuuudoooooos to Jason! Love the site! Very creative and user-friendly use of the “geospatial and temporal linearity” to keep us all interested and turn us into fans.
what about the shoes i am sure they are just as bad lol
Finally! Cart gets an outfit! I particularly like the little pieces of foliage.
You poor thing. Did it make pushing the cart harder?
I was in northern MN today. I hope the wind didn’t get you too bad.
it looks like you ran into some mud… lotsa rain on the radar- hope it all misses you!
Sitting at His Computer: Jason Eppink
For your part in bringing the adventures of Matt and his trusty side kick “the cart” to us…
(I have enjoyed for over a month and went back read from day one)
…I thank you.
“When In Rome…..”
Love the foliage to, dresses it up a bit. Did you get this gunk off your tires? The road gunk had to have made it hard to push the cart.
Actually, I was thinking the rest of the cart looks pristine. That’s amazing!
I was thinking that too. Like how does Matt keep that cart so clean?!?!?!?
Aw c’mon! This requires more story! How did you get around it? How long did it take? What did you have to slog through? I’m dyin’ here!