Day 129

A beautiful section of trail

August 2nd, 2010


  1. leana fogwell says:

    very beautiful

  2. Marshall in RVA says:

    Theirs your picture Jim. The carts looking good.

    • Jeff in Joisy says:

      Any parent or future parent should look into buying this brand of stroller. look what it has been through…It is called
      a Timex right ?? Sure look’s like it is still ticking

      • Jim in AR via MN says:

        Ya and it looks great…in my minds eye, I can see Matt, every night, giving “her” a once over…spit shine and Amour All the wheels…”Just taken care of the Mattmobile”…

    • Barb V from Michigan says:

      Who’s Jim? :)

  3. Roy Hornsby says:

    Matt, your cart is just way too neat and tidy :-) I love your blog and what you are doing. Makes me feel like hitting the road myself.


  4. Gayle Opie says:

    After all those bad, rocky roads, your cart looks like it’s still in good shape. Do the tires have any tread left?

  5. Candice in Alabama says:

    How wonderful – paved trail! For what length will this be under cart/foot?

  6. charlie says:

    hmmm. after this trip, is this cart eligible as an entry into the smithsonian?

    • Candice in Alabama says:

      I think it should be a prototype for production of similar – for all of us wanting to go trekking!

  7. Saun in Ohio says:


  8. Gigi says:

    Loving the view. Safe travels Matt.

  9. deanna valenti meyer says:

    Hee hee Candice! You’re cracking me up over here. :)

    The picture….well…it’s gorgeous!

  10. MN Roxanne says:

    Now this is a sigh of relief…. a paved path for you and the cart…. after all those rocks. Hope it’s a long trail !!
    Enjoy Matt the mts are beautiful to see through your eyes…

  11. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    This is nice, very nice. It also looks like there’s another older trail way over on the left side or is that a road of some sort? Any locals know?
    I do like the pathway, looks pretty newly paved. Gonna be a nice walk there for ya Matt. Enjoy it.

  12. Karen Too says:

    Gorgeous. (Love how he has the bear spray handy; very smart.)

  13. GardenStater says:

    Clearly a “Rails to Trails” project, where an abandoned RR line has been turned into a biking/hiking path. Very nice.

  14. Stephen says:

    Looks like Matt has his cart ‘staged’ for the Coeur d’Alenes dragstrip. Appears to be a dead straight quarter mile ahead. If you had a thick black marker you could lay down an impressive-looking but fake 2-tire burnout!

  15. Pam says:

    I think the whole rest of the way is going to be as beautiful as this. There is nothing more beautiful than the northwest.

  16. Janine says:

    Now this is a perfect trail. I think paths are the perfect use for former railroad right-of-ways.

  17. Ned in NJ says:

    Here’s more on the trail he’s on now. I am soooo envious. safe travels, Matt !

  18. Don in Tennessee says:

    What an inviting and beautiful trail. It looks like the scenery would be georgeous and I bet you see all kinds of wildlife. I will have to visit this area someday soon.

    Matt- thanks again for sharing and the MATTMOBILE looks in great shape!!!

  19. Local Montana Boy says:

    This paved trail runs through most of Idaho (remember though, it isn’t very wide at this point) over an old railroad bed. The entire route carried a lot of mining ore in past decades, and a lot spilled out on the tracks throughout the route. The problem is that it was contaminated with heavy metals and became a serious health problem – much of it a superfund site. The answer was to “cap” it. It was determined that it wouldn’t be a health threat if it wasn’t accessible, so Union Pacific was required to pave it over, and it became a bike and walking trail. There are signs along the route in various spots that warn about going off of the pavement.

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