Day 146

City of Portland Reservoir #5

August 19th, 2010

Farther up Mt. Tabor


  1. Matt you are on top of an extinct volcano! Mt. Tabor named after the one in Israel.

    • I knew it was in the Bible…a battle lead by the Judge Deborah…and also the Mount of Transfiguration…but why name this mountain in Portland Mount Tabor???…must be a reason…named by an early pioneer…maybe it looked like Mount Tabor in Israel???…anyway, nice picture…

      • I looked this up and: It was originally going to be named Mt. Zion by some local pioneer Methodists. Then the preacher’s son later on came and had been reading a book about Napoleon and His Marshalls, and was impressed by a battle fought near Mt Tabor in Palestine. His enthusiasm won!

  2. Gigi says:

    Hmm, I left a comment on this pic last night, I was the second I think, do you think the reservoir ate it? ;-)

  3. John in MI says:

    Wow, even the reservoirs are gorgeous. This is one pretty part of the country.

  4. phyllis from mississippi says:

    are these the product of rain and run-off or are these beautiful reservoirs spring fed?

  5. Candice in Alabama says:

    Again – beautiful!

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