Day 152

Datsa lotta oyster shells!

August 25th, 2010


  1. katzien in austin says:


    • katzien in austin says:

      What the heck to they do with them all? You can only make so much jewelry and crafts. heehee

      • Chuck says:

        The oyster shells are used in the reproduction of oysters. In August when the bay gets warmest the oyster will spawn and let out small spat. These spat will attach to about anything they can, but attaching to a shell allows them to become an adult oyster in time. I used to bag up the shell as a kid and when the time was write we’d put them out at low tide to catch the spats.

    • Norwood says:

      AHHHH!! THE OYSTERMANITY !!!! Who is responsible for this? Why can’t we let them live in peace ???

  2. Gigi says:

    So nearly there, cheers Matt!

  3. alan of cedar rapids iowa says:

    it sure is

  4. bullcitymama in NC says:

    How much further do you have to go!?!

  5. Janine says:

    Where’d they all come from?

  6. John in MI says:

    As the saying goes, “brave was the man who ate the first oyster.” Buy I’ll tell you what, I absolutely love ’em.

  7. Jeff says:

    Darn right … we were getting hungry waiting for you all day……! Move it we want refreshments…!!

  8. Lois says:

    Aren’t oysters an aphrodisiac?!?!?! That’s a whole lotta love right there!

  9. someone says:

    That was my last order………I had no other place to put them! lol

  10. Mister Walrus says:


  11. 1sun goddess says:

    And they really smell! Alot!!!!!!!!

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