I'll need to finalize a number of recent walks on my progress map before I have an official mileage count, but, using the rough versions of the routes I draw for my planning purposes, I've calculated a provisional total of 9,954 miles walked as part of this project. I expect that number will be within a mile or two of the final tally, which I should have within a couple of weeks once I've fully updated the progress map.
I passed by this menagerie shortly after finishing the walk, on a celebratory stroll to the beach in Staten Island. I have many thousands of other photos to post on this site in the months ahead. Once I'm done with the progress map, I'll turn my attention to that daunting task.
Congratulations!!! Looking forward to your posts.
What a lovely tribute and well-earned. So glad to see this site come back to life and look forward to the upcoming posts.
Congraulations Matt! I’ve been reading this blog for years and have truly loved seeing your progress and love of the city.
Legend! I saw the movie and what you were doing really resonated with me. Congratulations.
Thanks for entertaining me all this time I have loved it
Matt, that is just stunning! When you started this endeavour, did you have any notion at all how it would come out? Or when? So happy for you!!!
This was such a great day, and I felt so lucky to be there for it. I just posted some photos from around the finish line, and the beach party afterward. Congrats, Matt!
Inspired! Love walking NYC , any shoe/ boot suggestions?
Do you long to return to certain areas ?
Congratulations wonderful mission..
Congratulations, buddy! Somebody had to do it and that somebody was you!
Amazing! Congratulations!!! My work commute passes through Staten Island every weekday, visiting your plaque is now on my To-do list!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch für diese tolle Leistung.
Mein Mann und ich sind seit 2018 Fußgänger und gehen im Jahr ca. 6 Millionen Schritte.
Leider wird bei uns in Deutschland der Fußgänger sehr stiefmütterlich behandelt. Wir haben keine Lobby.
Aber ein Satz von Ihnen können wir nur bestätigen:
“So viele Dinge sind unsichtbar für Menschen, die nicht zu Fuß gehen.”
Danke und alles Gute
von Nette Neufang
Your walk has inspired a lot of people, Matt. Everyone here is proud of you and impressed by your 12+ years of gumption, determination and sacrifice.
What I appreciate most was that there never seemed to be any mission beyond completing the task. There was little/no talk about what comes next. There was no philasophical “why” behind it. There was no cause or foundation. There was no external force beyond your own desire. You simply set out to do a thing on your own accord and YOU FÚč#ING DID IT! There is something beautiful about that in this time where everything feels like an advertisement and everyone has sponsors or endorsements or they’re building their brand.
There will be others who attempt what you did. They may even succeed and their stories might be higher profile. But they will be driven by subscribers or views or compensation in some form of fashion. There was (no, IS) a purity in your passion for this singular goal without any trivial social nonsense. That, my guy, has been your gift to me – your example of pure and undiluted motivation. Thank you.
Congratulations Matt, what an accomplishment! I will look for that sign the next time I drop by Staten Island ;-)
Congrats, Matt! I’ve been following you back to the walking the US days and then geting started on the Many Days of NYC. Your perserverance is truly astounding and I’m glad for that. I kept hoping you’d be able to finish it. Really a good feeling to finally see the end. Quite a feet (pun intended)!
Congratulations on completing your long journey, and I am so glad that someone saw fit to put up a well-earned plaque in your name!
Amazing. Now do all the streets over again and document whats changed since the first pass!
Thank you so much for seeing this project through and for sharing it with us! I’ve loved watching from all the way over in London. Congratulations!
Congratulations Matt!!! This is awesome news. How wonderful to find out you finally finished. You’ve been on my mind lately as it’s been awhile since I’ve reached out. Figured I’d check in here first. Amazing. You originally estimated this walk to take you 2 years. Well, guess adding in a 10 to that and you’ve got it. Man, I never imagine it would take you this long to complete. I can only imagine the tears you felt crossing that finish line. This plaque in so sweet to have up there recognizing your effort. I look forward to going through all of this again someday and catching up on your adventures. I do admit I got lost in it all a couple of years in and found it hard to keep up. But I’ve never forgotten about you and your walk. Interested to see what kind of ideas you come up with for the future. Love You Matt!! Great job!
Congratulations Matt!! I think of our walk on Staten Island often. Well done and deserved.
Matt – congratulations. You came along way since that first Rockaway beach and a cart .. named .. cart. i have followed along, posted as you went, observed your NYC streets but stopped posting. Your a good men. How many people have set out to do something and just never got ‘a round tuit” but you did! For that achievement alone I solute you! Cheers, Mazel Tov, Saluti!
To be honest since the early days and the current now finished quest you taught me three things – 1) Mailboxes tho unusual at times are a thing of beauty and wonder 2) look at all salonz and barber shopz .. looking for that “Z” of course and most importantly 3) inside each human being we meet along the way – there is a good human being inside. Whether they know it or not. Peace Matt and thanks for being a part of alot of peoples lives….i am sure you touched more that you can imagine!
” NOT ALL WANDERS ARE LOST ” the proof is out there. Joisy Jeff out for the count!
An inspiring tribute! Now it stands to guide all future walkers.
Hey Matt, just saw the movie and wanted to show some love. Congrats on achieving your goal
I am deeply moved by your phenomenal experience!
Just finished watching the documentary about your walk. Thank you for the lesson about Noticing and how consequential it is to notice a world, a country, a city, a neighborhood, nature, buildings, landmarks, sounds and smells and most importantly the people all around us. It is both a hopeful and affirming gift. I appreciate you sharing that reminder for me.
Enjoy the rest of your “project” aka your life.