Day 1

Rockaway Beach, NY

March 27th, 2010

Getting ready to jump in


  1. alisa brill says:


  2. naddya says:

    the beginning of an amazing adventure…

  3. katzien in austin says:

    And now it’s the end of an amazing adventure! I think Matt will reach Rockaway tomorrow and jump into the Pacific! Woohoo!!!

  4. Gigi says:

    Congratulations Matt! You made it! Five months after you started your journey you’re now in Rockaway Beach, OR. What a journey and learning experience, thank you for taking us along. Wishing you all the best Matt, cheers!

  5. Roe says:

    Great to see both ends. Will really miss those awesome mailboxes! Take care, Matt and good luck.

  6. Stephen says:

    Matt, I notice from the image above that your headgear has evolved over this adventure from knitted toque (Canadian term), to adventurer’s hat with difficult-to-manage-brim (yes, I consider you an adventurer) to the traditional ball cap you wore as you arrived in Rockaway Beach, Oregon before your plunge in the Pacific.
    Undoubtedly, you are a man of many hats… and there has never been a better, more comfortable fit than with the folks at Hobo Nation/Planet. Um, hats off to you my friend!
    Good luck with the rest of your life Matt and the new adventures and challenges that will unfold down the road.
    All the best from Ottawa, Canada!

  7. […] hear that right. Matt started March 27th of this year at Rockaway Beach, NY. It took him 152 days and 3100 miles pushing an adapted baby stroller holding his tent, clothing […]

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