Day 42

“My husband is not bald…”

May 7th, 2010

"He's just taller than his hair."

So reads a sign in the bathroom of Shirley and Arnie. Arnie saw me when he was checking the mail, and invited me in for a delicious lunch prepared by Shirley (alternately referred to by Arnie as "the greatest gal in the world" and "toots").


  1. Carolyn says:

    have you given up being a vegetarian?! there beef in your stuff

  2. tim says:

    You can see the goodness in their smiles.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Argh, they love each other so much.

  4. Janine says:

    Could they be any more precious? I wanna be Shirley when I grow up.

  5. Melody says:

    Great couple!!

  6. katzien says:

    They’re too cute! Taller than his hair……hil-hair-ious!!

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