Day 70

Mom takes the wheel

June 4th, 2010


  1. Sally says:

    As a mother of a son about your age, I am really glad your mother has had the opportunity to visit you and be with you on your walk.

  2. katzien says:

    So…not ‘walking’ for day…how did that feel? Were you itching to get back on the road? Did you have a two hour lunch in a diner? Did you nap in mom’s hotel room or go see a movie? Maybe you walked out of Minnesota for a little bit and that’s why mom had to take a bus back to catch a flight? I hope you’re journaling along the way.

  3. Matt M says:

    Matt, Did your Mom buy you some new shoes as planned? What kind of shoes do you wear? It’s gotta be the shoes.

  4. Michael in Atlanta says:

    Bye Mom!

  5. Hayden says:

    Way Cool!

  6. Mike in Phoenix, AZ says:

    “Your mother is the best friend you’ll ever have”

    A quote from my father. I miss him and his wisdom.

    • Julia says:

      This is among the wisest statements I have ever read. And I turn 50 tomorrow, so I’ve been reading for a long, long, LONG time.

      Your father was a wise, insightful, and generous man.

      I’m sure you miss him, but clearly – his wisdom lives on. In his son.

  7. Brian says:

    That looks like a mural of Che Guevara on the graffiti wall.. he was quite the journey man himself

  8. Jeff says:

    My day is complete! And it looks like the day stayed sunny for you. As if it wouldn’t. Nice Job Mom.

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