Day 83

A reasonable sign

June 17th, 2010

I think it's fair to hold people accountable for their own bathroom accidents.


  1. That must be one deep hole in there! Look out below, I’m comin’ in!

  2. Chaser1 says:

    You… ummm…. didn’t have an accident… did you? Matt? *sighs*

  3. Karen Too says:

    This is too funny. I just spent two hours on the phone (as well as bailing, mopping, etc.) trying to find a plumber to come help us with a serious bathroom problem, and now I come here to see this picture.

    After many years in a large city, I’m in the country now, and it seems plumbers have so much work that they don’t bother to answer their phones, let alone call you back.

    I was lucky to find two who did answer their phones tonight. One would have come right away, but has some equipment malfunctions, so we now have to tough it out until morning as the other one isn’t coming until then.

  4. Jeff says:

    Hay Karen I know a few good plumbers…but unless youre in joursey – the trave expense will be more then a temporary outhouse!! sorry to hear your plight. Hope it gets fixed. Your to happy a person to have a downer.

    MATT: I was just drinking my coffee and pondering my day ahead and I see this picture. Thanks for the laugh and your great sense of humor. When you get back home and if you start up your walks I would like to take a journey with you. You have a great eye and a great understanding of “looking at things”. I will email you this all too…except Karen’s plight…(kidding). I am sure you could run a hike and WE ALL WOULD be there. Peace.

    • Karen Too says:

      Thanks, Jeff. As it happens, I’m not too far from Jersey, but too far to bring up plumbers. They came this morning, and did a fix, but Monday the yard has to be dug up, and lots of other stuff to be done.

      Just the other day, I was looking at the site for the walking tours: I’d love to have taken one of these tours, but now I’m too far away.

      Maybe I could do a “franchise” up here in the mountains.

  5. katzien says:

    That sign is really for the women who go in there when the “ladies” line is too long. Ba ha ha ha!

  6. Donna in MI says:

    Did you notice the drinking fountain and the spigot on the side of the building? At least there’s running water….hopefully they work.

  7. Barb V says:


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