Day 92

No you’re not, Take 2

June 27th, 2010


  1. Karen Too says:

    Okay, now I get what they mean by “help.”

  2. katzien in austin says:

    They mean they will help you get rid of your valuable goods for much less than they are worth just to sell you a gun.

  3. tim says:


  4. Kevin from NC says:

    They’ll loan you maybe 10-20% of what you paid for, say, a new guitar, and then charge extremely high interest rates each month and hope you default on the loan so they can keep your guitar.

  5. Jeff says:

    Concealed sign store. Nice. reminds me of a son….”at a pawn shop on a corner in Pittsburgh Pennsylavian…”
    What ya trande in Matt? Hay was the toy-slayer there??

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