Welcome to and Farewell from the state of Washington. My daughter, Laura, and I were hoping you would come closer to our adopted city of Lynnwood, WA. We hope your cross-country journey comes to a safe and sound end. Have a happy reunion with your family and friends. Please don’t forget all of the new friends you have made during your walk– in person and on your website. Take some time, get some perspective, and let us know about any future walks. Laura and I hope you will keep your website going. After all, it’s always nice to visit with ole friends. Matt, thanks for stayin’ true and keepin’ it real. :-)
my guess either a scale-for weighing an animal or perhaps the grain itself. seems like you would tie something to the posts in front. interesting whatever it is! the crop duster was cool–a few weeks ago we saw a helicopter doing crop dusting–even more interesting :)
Of what? Some strange things out in a farm field along the path? Of unusual looking objects that no one can seem to figure out. We need the help of a local from there, perhaps the girls from the other day that invited you in at lunch time know? Ladies? Gents? Clues here please? what is it.
The cross bar is a safety stop to keep the center pivot from leaving the field. You can see the tire tracks coming out of the corn field. They are programmed to stop at a certain spot but sometimes they keep going. If you knock a center pivot out of alignment the whole thing will shut down.
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
But you can never have too many.
I’m going to miss those……whatever they are.
me too…. so what are they??
Wow, I haven’t seen one of those in forever!
Are you trying to be CORNY with this comment. SHUCKS – you were successful!
Welcome to and Farewell from the state of Washington. My daughter, Laura, and I were hoping you would come closer to our adopted city of Lynnwood, WA. We hope your cross-country journey comes to a safe and sound end. Have a happy reunion with your family and friends. Please don’t forget all of the new friends you have made during your walk– in person and on your website. Take some time, get some perspective, and let us know about any future walks. Laura and I hope you will keep your website going. After all, it’s always nice to visit with ole friends. Matt, thanks for stayin’ true and keepin’ it real. :-)
I ditto EVERYTHING YOU STATED! And stated so well!
I’m pressing the LIKE button on these comments!
Moove over I want a try on the last one…..but this one looks different….Hmm
my guess either a scale-for weighing an animal or perhaps the grain itself. seems like you would tie something to the posts in front. interesting whatever it is! the crop duster was cool–a few weeks ago we saw a helicopter doing crop dusting–even more interesting :)
Well, to me it looks like another one of those…I’ve made up my mind and I’m stickin’ to it…
It’s a ramp that you back farm machinery on to, so you can do repairs.
Looks like a Pigeon landing strip.
I’m with Uncle….cause I just laughed so hard….it has got to be a pigeon landing strip.
I’m with you guys…laughing so hard right now too…
Yes! Another pork barrel government project to ensure pigeons had a proper glide path when they set down.
It’s not OKLAHOMA, but the corn is high as an elephant’s eye!
I dunno. Just more funky farm-art.
I don’t know. You haven’t seen your welcome-home present yet.
Gee…I wish I had one.
Looks to me like a piece of abandoned farm equipment – from a corn thresher maybe? (the part on the ground).
I think it may have to do with either irrigation or drainage, my best guess would be irrigation.
You are right, they hook the long sprinkler systems to it that you see stretched accross fields
Of what? Some strange things out in a farm field along the path? Of unusual looking objects that no one can seem to figure out. We need the help of a local from there, perhaps the girls from the other day that invited you in at lunch time know? Ladies? Gents? Clues here please? what is it.
The cross bar is a safety stop to keep the center pivot from leaving the field. You can see the tire tracks coming out of the corn field. They are programmed to stop at a certain spot but sometimes they keep going. If you knock a center pivot out of alignment the whole thing will shut down.