Did you get your footlong dog with mustard, onions and chili? Hey $2.00 is not a bad price!
Concretew curbing for flower beds and other landscaping has not really gone over that well in our area-but i do see it some.
Speaking of dogs-my wife and I had to put down our 19+ year old male Bichon today so it is sad for us. Last year we had 3 animals including a female Bichon who had to be put down July 14, 2009 and our solid white Turkish Angora odd eye cat who had to be put down on Sept. 8, 2009. It will be hard with no animals around our house.
Sorry to hear about your dog Don in Tenn. it’s so sad to lose a pet- they become family… I think you better go to the local shelter and get some new furry friends… life is lonely without them!!
Oh Don I am so sorry. I know what it’s like, I’ve been there and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. And then to lose them all within a year-that’s pure tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your wife. Please take some time to grieve your losses and then when the time is right I’m sure another animal with come into your life. Blessings and love Don to you and your wife from me at this difficult time.
My friends, who also live in your general vicinity, are foster parents to shelter dogs. They have one dog, and one cat, of their own. Last year, they had to put down their second dog.
Perhaps fostering a dog or a cat is something you and your wife might consider, as well as permanently adopting a new family member from a local shelter.
If/when the time is right, this might help you get through this tough time, and help out some animals, too.
Sorry to cut line, but I got lost down below. Big hugs from Atlanta, Don, and a lick from my pooch. 19 years is a long-term relationship. Good job, brother.
It is always so heartbreaking to have to make that decision (I’ve had to make it twice, so far and boo-hooed and boo-hooed each time , although I knew it had to be done). Sadly, none of us last forever.
Right on Roxanne. There’s a cemetary near my neighborhood, and I go there to collect free limestone. Big beautiful boulders for accents, and medium ones for lining planting beds. They are gorgeous sienna sunset colors too, and totally free since they dig up new holes each week.
Sorry for your loss Don…I can totally relate. I miss our pup like crazy and still cannot bring myself to get another one. 15 years of being in my family is a long time.
I LOVE curbing and wish I had some for my yard. My parents had some put in where they live in CA and it just makes the yard look very neat. Everything else they tried just got taken over by weeds. Since my grass decided it needs to grow in the planter areas, I get more and more agitated from pulling it out all the time. Someday I’ll get curbing…if only it was $2 a foot here in Vancouver! That’s a deal!
Sorry for your loss Don…I can totally relate. I miss our pup like crazy and still cannot bring myself to get another one. 15 years of being in my family is a long time.
I LOVE curbing and wish I had some for my yard. My parents had some put in where they live in CA and it just makes the yard look very neat. Everything else they tried just got taken over by weeds. Since my grass decided it needs to grow in the planter areas, I get more and more agitated from pulling it out all the time. Someday I’ll get curbing…if only it was $2 a foot here in Vancouver! That’s a deal! I have a LOT of areas to curb…
Sorry to hear about your dog. You’ll have to go pick out a new pup. I know it won’t replace your Bichon but it will help to hear the click click click of little paws to fill that void. My thoughts are with you
Hello Don ~ My heart goes out to you. We are also dog lovers and have also experienced the loss of a dear pet. It breaks your heart but time will help you and your wife as you well know. The unconditional love our four legged friends give to us a special gift. Take care…
Not all of the curbing I’ve seen is hideous, especially when made of natural stone (or any other natural, recycled items), as MN Roxanne also pointed out.
Sorry, but this is not an insult. I am referring to a hotdog not a real dog. How could you say this after we just had to put down our Bichon male dog less than 24 hours ago we had for over 19 years!
@Don. in my world a ‘put down’ is an ‘insult’. surely you should know my humor by now. and why did you see fit to identify your beloved pet’s as Bichon ‘male’ and ‘female’ and yet saw fit to merely point out that the feline was ‘white with an odd eye’, hmm? perhaps you and i should ‘curb’ our slings.
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
Did you get your footlong dog with mustard, onions and chili? Hey $2.00 is not a bad price!
Concretew curbing for flower beds and other landscaping has not really gone over that well in our area-but i do see it some.
Speaking of dogs-my wife and I had to put down our 19+ year old male Bichon today so it is sad for us. Last year we had 3 animals including a female Bichon who had to be put down July 14, 2009 and our solid white Turkish Angora odd eye cat who had to be put down on Sept. 8, 2009. It will be hard with no animals around our house.
My B-Day, Sept. 8th!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your dog Don in Tenn. it’s so sad to lose a pet- they become family… I think you better go to the local shelter and get some new furry friends… life is lonely without them!!
I am truly sorry for your loss Don. Our pets become our children too. I know how hard this can be. Prayers for you and the misses.
Oh Don I am so sorry. I know what it’s like, I’ve been there and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. And then to lose them all within a year-that’s pure tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your wife. Please take some time to grieve your losses and then when the time is right I’m sure another animal with come into your life. Blessings and love Don to you and your wife from me at this difficult time.
Sorry to hear about your cat and dogs.
My friends, who also live in your general vicinity, are foster parents to shelter dogs. They have one dog, and one cat, of their own. Last year, they had to put down their second dog.
Perhaps fostering a dog or a cat is something you and your wife might consider, as well as permanently adopting a new family member from a local shelter.
If/when the time is right, this might help you get through this tough time, and help out some animals, too.
Just a thought. Sending you my condolences.
sorry don….know the feeling – my beloved Maui is gone a year now.
But you know us animals are ready to pack our bags and come visit….anytime for a friend!
Sorry to cut line, but I got lost down below. Big hugs from Atlanta, Don, and a lick from my pooch. 19 years is a long-term relationship. Good job, brother.
Oh Don, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.
It is always so heartbreaking to have to make that decision (I’ve had to make it twice, so far and boo-hooed and boo-hooed each time , although I knew it had to be done). Sadly, none of us last forever.
I hope fond memories will ease your heartache.
Sorry, to hear that, Don. Know what you mean, not the same without an animal in the house, fields, etc.
So sorry Don, take care and remember them fondly.
I don’t care for concrete curbing around plantings… It’s so unnatural to me…. give me some big ole rocks…
Right on Roxanne. There’s a cemetary near my neighborhood, and I go there to collect free limestone. Big beautiful boulders for accents, and medium ones for lining planting beds. They are gorgeous sienna sunset colors too, and totally free since they dig up new holes each week.
Sorry for your loss Don…I can totally relate. I miss our pup like crazy and still cannot bring myself to get another one. 15 years of being in my family is a long time.
I LOVE curbing and wish I had some for my yard. My parents had some put in where they live in CA and it just makes the yard look very neat. Everything else they tried just got taken over by weeds. Since my grass decided it needs to grow in the planter areas, I get more and more agitated from pulling it out all the time. Someday I’ll get curbing…if only it was $2 a foot here in Vancouver! That’s a deal!
Sorry for your loss Don…I can totally relate. I miss our pup like crazy and still cannot bring myself to get another one. 15 years of being in my family is a long time.
I LOVE curbing and wish I had some for my yard. My parents had some put in where they live in CA and it just makes the yard look very neat. Everything else they tried just got taken over by weeds. Since my grass decided it needs to grow in the planter areas, I get more and more agitated from pulling it out all the time. Someday I’ll get curbing…if only it was $2 a foot here in Vancouver! That’s a deal! I have a LOT of areas to curb…
Sorry to hear about your dog. You’ll have to go pick out a new pup. I know it won’t replace your Bichon but it will help to hear the click click click of little paws to fill that void. My thoughts are with you
Curb your dog…for $8.00..I don’t get it..what is Matt trying to refer to here?
Hi Dorinda; the joke is that at $2.00 a foot, it would be $8.00 for your average, four-footed dog.
Ooohhh!!! Thanks Karen Too. Now I get it. I could not for the life of me figure it out. Now I feel like “duh” so simple but I didn’t get it. thanks.
Hello Don ~ My heart goes out to you. We are also dog lovers and have also experienced the loss of a dear pet. It breaks your heart but time will help you and your wife as you well know. The unconditional love our four legged friends give to us a special gift. Take care…
Not all of the curbing I’ve seen is hideous, especially when made of natural stone (or any other natural, recycled items), as MN Roxanne also pointed out.
If tastefully done, it can be an enhancement.
Curb appeal. a couple days ago we saw the kind of ‘messy” place….we could call this place and have them go help out…what you think??
don, one should never insult animals.
Sorry, but this is not an insult. I am referring to a hotdog not a real dog. How could you say this after we just had to put down our Bichon male dog less than 24 hours ago we had for over 19 years!
Surely, you should know my humor by now!
Peace and love.
@Don. in my world a ‘put down’ is an ‘insult’. surely you should know my humor by now. and why did you see fit to identify your beloved pet’s as Bichon ‘male’ and ‘female’ and yet saw fit to merely point out that the feline was ‘white with an odd eye’, hmm? perhaps you and i should ‘curb’ our slings.