Day 144


August 17th, 2010


  1. John in MI says:

    Interesting…verrrrry interesting.

  2. EDL In MN says:

    And… Now how do you really feel about it?

  3. Jon says:

    I’m impressed they were able to spell correctly.

  4. charlie says:

    may the cajoling force be with you? and darn those quislings and their 1000 friends! Most everybody knows what a quisling is: a turncoat, a Judas, a Benedict Arnold. Specifically, the American Heritage Dictionary defines it as “a traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country.”

    • Candice In Alabama says:

      I’ve never heard of a quisling till now.

      • WWII history crisis…Norway has never been the same…

      • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

        Yeah, me either.

        • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

          never heard of the quisling -I should have added that into my comment.

          • Blistery Bob says:


            Main Entry: quis·ling
            Pronunciation: \ˈkwiz-liŋ\
            Function: noun
            Usage: often attributive
            Etymology: Vidkun Quisling †1945 Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis
            Date: 1940

            : traitor 2, collaborator

            — quis·ling·ism \-liŋ-ˌi-zəm\ noun

            Marriam-Webster is my favorite dictionary on line. I went right to it when I saw this photo.

            Thanks Matt for all your journey is to us…….Please slow down….we do not want it to end yet.

            “put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be……”

      • charlie says:

        oh yeah, that’s what i meant. ‘most everybody knows’??? i didn’t think so. sorry ’bout that.

    • LaraPenny, CA says:

      I was more in awe of the word crockedness

      • Karen Too says:

        Hi LaraPenny. I actually looked up “crockedness” before I read the sign, and saw it was “crookedness,” but I think you are on to something.

        Merriam-Webster’s defines crocked as “drunk,” and crock can be to smudge, or to become disabled.

  5. Candice In Alabama says:

    Not sure what this is all about, without further investigation –

    • Candice In Alabama says:

      oh well – I’d still visit the area – in spite of skunk activity –

    • young says:

      Perhaps the collective and demonstrative anger of landowners, farmers, and developers over the Hanford Reach and CSG wilderness conservation Acts lobbied for by the incumbent gov. and prominent republican politicians at that time. Those skunks apparently bear the names of the so-called “quislings.”

  6. Uncle Sam says:

    “Zee cabbage does not run away from zee corn-beef.” – Pepe Le Pew

  7. Don in Tennessee says:

    Only one team can solve this –

  8. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    And that signs legal to put up? Such a big billboard I would think there would be an ordinance against it. ha ha. Guess there are things like this all over the country. Some are just weird idiots that go on for years and cover their entire houses and cars with stuff like this. At least one man here has done that. Crazy. Skunk dinner anyone?

  9. Blistery Bob says:


    Main Entry: quis·ling
    Pronunciation: \ˈkwiz-liŋ\
    Function: noun
    Usage: often attributive
    Etymology: Vidkun Quisling †1945 Norwegian politician who collaborated with the Nazis
    Date: 1940

    : traitor 2, collaborator

    — quis·ling·ism \-liŋ-ˌi-zəm\ noun

    Marriam-Webster is my favorite dictionary on line. I went right to it when I saw this photo.

    Thanks Matt for all your journey is to us…….Please slow down….we do not want it to end yet.

    “put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be……”

  10. Janine says:

    I just love when passionate people are vague AND wordy. It really makes me sympathetic to the cause and moves me to take action. Not.

  11. katzien in austin says:

    God bless freedom of speech. When pissed off people unite for a purpose, amazing things can happen.

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