Day 146

The Three Thousand Mile Man

August 19th, 2010

This young feller was my walking companion yesterday as I crossed the 3000-mile mark on a short stretch of the Springwater Corridor Trail. In case you're wondering, that crab squeaks when you squeeze it.

Day 146

I received many emails from people in the Portland metro area offering me places to stay as I passed through, so I decided to line up four nights with different hosts on a leisurely stroll across town.

I spent last night with this lovely family. Emma took charge right away, helping me unpack, showing me around, and keeping me company while I got situated in the guest room. After dinner she brought out a special dessert for the occasion: mini-cupcakes (brightly colored!). Michele, Dan, and I stayed up talking for a while after Emma retired for the evening. It was a really nice, relaxing way to end the day.

From left to right: Michele, Emma, Leya, Dan

Day 146

Emma’s artwork

August 19th, 2010

Emma made me this beautiful piece of paper towel art to celebrate my arrival!

Therefore, we can further deduce:

CartWeight < [(5 tons) x (Factor of Safety) - MattWeight]

Day 146

Oregon Grape

August 19th, 2010

I had read that these berries are edible, though very sour, so I tried one. I spit it out immediately. I did some further reading, and found that it takes a frost or two (which increases the fructose content) to make the berries palatable.

Day 146

More fruit!

August 19th, 2010

The plums and apples were pretty tasteless. The blackberries were still delicious.

Day 146


August 19th, 2010

They have the best .

Day 146

Day 146

Look at all those logos!

Day 146

Day 146

Day 146

I love the emphasis on VHS!

Day 146

Churchboat for sale!

August 19th, 2010

Day 146

On the way up Mt. Tabor

Day 146

Farther up Mt. Tabor

Day 146

At the top of Mt. Tabor

August 19th, 2010

The view of the Portland skyline is stunning. Unfortunately, phone cameras aren't good at capturing stunning views when the sun is shining directly into them, hence the white blob off in the distance.