Actually, the way I did it was refreshing page every minute and checking and checking and hitting the F5 key over and over…well…you get the idea. Ba ha ha ha! Are we all just having fun or are we still looking at Matt’s pics?? ;-)
I have never posted on here, but have been following Matt’s journey since he came through La Crosse, WI. Have to say what an amazing journey it has been. I am living and watching and experiencing vicariously through Matt. Way to go Matt! Awesome job. Can’t wait to watch and read when you hit Rockaway OR. Take care and be safe!
Matt, you’ll go right by the Tillamook Cheese factory, when you turn North on 101 out of Tillamook, free cheese samples,& great icecream to finish out your north leg of the trip to Rockaway Beach,OR.
Been to Tillamook & Rockaway the last 12 years from K.C.MO. congrats on the journey of a lifetime, I hope you write a book, you’re almost there. Take a picture of the tsunami warning signs in Rockaway, you’ve not seen one of those in 3000 miles. Congrats!!
You’re so close now Matt. I bet you’re in the edges of the area now just before the beach. Great trip! Have enjoyed every minute of it. Been like taking a long summer vacation. Thanks. Loved all of this and the people too.
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
Yes! #1!
That’s the way you do it!
And congrats for the number 1 spot! :)
Actually, the way I did it was refreshing page every minute and checking and checking and hitting the F5 key over and over…well…you get the idea. Ba ha ha ha! Are we all just having fun or are we still looking at Matt’s pics?? ;-)
What ! That’s all you got? Let your hair down girl !!!!!!
lol good job Kat! Funny pic too.
I have never posted on here, but have been following Matt’s journey since he came through La Crosse, WI. Have to say what an amazing journey it has been. I am living and watching and experiencing vicariously through Matt. Way to go Matt! Awesome job. Can’t wait to watch and read when you hit Rockaway OR. Take care and be safe!
Glad you posted Jennifer… hasn’t it been fun to walk along with Matt?? We’re all going to miss him!
Yes, it has been an awesome journey and we will all definitely miss him for sure!
Not too clear Matt, here’s a brochure about the fire ..
Now I know what’s worse than Hell – a million blast furnaces, sszzzz.
We’ve got pictures : )
Matt, you’ll go right by the Tillamook Cheese factory, when you turn North on 101 out of Tillamook, free cheese samples,& great icecream to finish out your north leg of the trip to Rockaway Beach,OR.
Been to Tillamook & Rockaway the last 12 years from K.C.MO. congrats on the journey of a lifetime, I hope you write a book, you’re almost there. Take a picture of the tsunami warning signs in Rockaway, you’ve not seen one of those in 3000 miles. Congrats!!
Mmmmm….Tillamook Cheese…AND Ice Cream!! So, so, so yummy!!! I hope Matt stops for some yummy goodness….
You’re so close now Matt. I bet you’re in the edges of the area now just before the beach. Great trip! Have enjoyed every minute of it. Been like taking a long summer vacation. Thanks. Loved all of this and the people too.