Day 1176

Day 1176

A Promise Fulfilled

March 20th, 2015

This plaque at the College of Staten Island, dated September 17, 1987, reads:


The institution once known as the Willowbrook State School, which occupied this site for thirty-six years, was closed in 1987.

The end of this institution symbolizes the success and appropriateness of New York State's commitment to provide an extensive and comprehensive program of community living opportunities for its citizens with mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
What was the Willowbrook State School? As we learned a few months ago:
The Willowbrook State School was the country's largest state-run institution for the mentally disabled. By the 1960s, it had over 6,000 residents, 2,000 more than it was designed to accommodate. Underfunded and understaffed, it "offered a mean, often desperate existence" to the people who lived there. After a visit in 1965, Bobby Kennedy described the place as "border[ing] on a snake pit".

But it wasn't until 1972 that the wretched conditions at Willowbrook were brought into the national spotlight, when a TV reporter named Geraldo Rivera snuck into one of the wards with a handheld camera and documented the awful scene: "children lying naked on the floor, their bodies contorted, their feces spread on walls".

This prompted a lawsuit that led to the eventual closing of the institution in 1987. Many of the buildings were taken over and renovated by the College of Staten Island, which opened a new campus — the largest college campus in the city — on the site in 1993.
So that makes two plaques here at CSI that acknowledge Willowbrook's existence. One, half-hidden behind a rose bush at the back corner of a building, does at least pay tribute, albeit in very vague and euphemistic terms, to all the helpless people who suffered abuse and neglect at this state-run institution. The other plaque, above, located in a little treed area near the middle of campus, makes no mention of the poor souls who lived here but instead just offers the state government a nice pat on the back for finally shutting the place down (after being sued into submission).

Day 1176

4:37 PM

March 20th, 2015

After taking the previous picture, I went inside to meet a friend here at the College of Staten Island. Five hours later, I came out to find the world looking a little different than I remembered.

Day 1176

A snowy woodland

March 20th, 2015

Standing at the western edge of the College of Staten Island, I'm looking into Willowbrook Park.

Day 1176

Roadside memorial flowers

March 20th, 2015

(I assume this is a memorial.)

Day 1176

Spring is Here…Finally!

March 20th, 2015

(Spoke too soon.)

Day 1176

93 Waters Avenue

March 20th, 2015

We're back in the picturesque neighborhood of Westerleigh, formerly known as Prohibition Park.

(Looks like I've already photographed this house once!)

Day 1176

Northerleigh Park

March 20th, 2015

I think it goes without saying that this park, located in the northerly part of the neighborhood of Westerleigh, had its playful name bestowed upon it by Henry Stern.

Day 1176

Weighted down

March 20th, 2015

Day 1176

Day 1176

Shelter from the storm

March 20th, 2015

at the Church of the Holy Family