Day 1252

Parkville Puffer

June 4th, 2015

Located where Parkville Avenue crosses Ocean Parkway, this plaque is one of several installed in the parkway malls that feature an alliterative pairing of a sea creature and an intersecting roadway. It's a good bet that the idea for these plaques came from the mind of former Parks Commissioner Henry Stern, an ardent admirer and acclaimed aficionado of animal art and alliteration.

Here's a full list of the Ocean Parkway marine life, from north to south:

  • Avenue C Clam
  • Cortelyou Cod
  • Ditmas Dolphin
  • 18th Avenue Anchovies
  • Webster Whale
  • Newkirk Needlefish
  • Lawrence Leatherback
  • Parkville Puffer
  • Foster Flounder
You can see photos of all the plaques here.

One Comment

  1. Sandi says:

    Those names are great! Mr. Stern must have been quite a character in his own right.

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