Day 94

Can you find Salem Sue?

June 28th, 2010

Hint: She's enormous.


  1. Brian says:

    I understand she’s a cow

  2. katzien in austin says:

    Wow, you just don’t see that shade of green in Texas this time of year. Gorgeous! Cows we got though…..Hey there Sue!

  3. Michael in Atlanta says:

    OMG, there’s a ginormous cow on that hill over there!

  4. Karen Too says:

    Well, well, what do you know.

    There’s a huge cow, and, like all other animals, she’s looking right at Matt!

  5. Peter says:

    Miniture golf? If you get a hole in one does she give you milk?

  6. Jeff says:

    Sue used to be ontop the hill but she was mooooved for the new salem lawn sign.

  7. Candice In Alabama says:

    Salem Sue is a heck of a BIG COW! :) You know that just might frighten you, if you happened upon it in the dark.

  8. carolyn says:

    have u seen your cow today? it is said that we each see a cow a day. it’s hard to believe when you live in a bg city.

  9. That is one LARGE cow! I can’t imagine what she looks like close up if she’s that big from that far away. What’s her story?

    • Donna in MI says:

      Dorinda from Mentor, OH and Candice In Alabama …. if you go back to the previous picture that says “Peace” you will find info on the cow named SALEM SUE.

  10. Don in Tennessee says:

    This sign and cow make the one in HOLLYWOOD, CA look utterly ridiculous!!!

  11. Anna One says:

    Here’s the scoop on Salem Sue: “Sue was built in 1974 for $40,000 put up by the New Salem Lions Club, and, thanks to dairy subsidies, by you (or your parents), too. Her stats are impressive: 38 feet high, 50 feet long, six tons of reinforced fiberglass, so big she had to be built in three sections to get her up the hill.” There is a donation bucket below for her maintenance. (she does seem to sparkle in the photo from the referenced website under the “PEAGE” photo Comments).

  12. Dionne says:

    does she sit overlooking the interstate? if so she is one of my favorite memories of traveling west when a young kid. just fun to see this huge cow out of now where! can’t wait til you hit the badlands!!!!

  13. Lori says:

    Wish I would have known you were on a larger than life size items… Paul Bunyan and Babe were in Bemidji, Minn, would have gone great with the mail boxes ( My daughter Katie in Fargo passed this on)

  14. NelleBelle says:

    I’ve had my picture taken standing under that cow when I travelled cross country with my Marine son.

  15. NelleBelle says:

    Had my picture taken standing under that cow when going cross country from Chicago to Camp Pendleton, CA with my Marine son. He loved to stop and see unusual things along the way.

  16. NelleBelle says:

    Sorry for the repeat. Just figured out how to comment. I’m enjoying the trip along with you and all the others.

  17. Kevin from NC says:

    See what those growth hormones in the feed do?

  18. I think she used to be an old milk store…..I remember my dad taking me there when I was like 9 or 10 and we took a trip around the US in his truck w/ our eventual end here in Montana. It was really foggy so all I saw was this giant cow coming out of the actually wigged me out pretty bad!

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