Day 151


August 24th, 2010


  1. Gigi says:

    So pretty! Thanks Matt!

    • Gigi says:

      Probably getting “impatiens” in the hot sun ;-)

    • Gigi says:

      Today is your day Matt! May you have a spring in your steps and a big smile on your face as you walk to Rockaway Beach. May you feel the warmth of all the good wishes coming your way and may you feel our cheers as you cross the finish line.

      Thank you for sharing your trip with us. That’s 152 days of fun, learning, exchange of ideas. getting to know each other and getting to see the northern states through your eyes. It has been a great experience for me and I am so honored to be part of your journey. Cheers!

  2. Nancy from Spring, TX says:

    Matt – thanks for taking all of us along on your journey. Congratulations as you make your destination tomorrow. You will be missed…

  3. MN Roxanne says:

    What beautiful Inpatients…. flowers from our Hobo Matt… thanks !!

  4. katzien in austin says:

    Lovely! Either on the ground or as a wall!

    • katzien in austin says:

      Oh crap….I just go the joke of the title! Doh! You’re so very clever Matt.

      • Kier from Oregon says:

        Yes he is very clever….sometimes I have to really think hard to get his “double meaning”… and then when I do it feels so rewarding … like solving a fun puzzle. Thanks Matt for sharing your great sense of humor with your Hobo Planet natives (-;

        • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

          Oh, now I get it. I couldn’t figure out what he meant. thanks. I like katzien, doh!

          • Jeff says:

            walk over..good morning. Matt walk over today too…got the joke right away only cause I garden with impatients.
            The witt continues even on the last day….

  5. Christopher says:

    impatiens is not for those who walk 3000 miles…

  6. Jennie J. in Oregon says:

    Gorgious Matt! You always seem to find the most unique things that I have probably driven by a 1,000 times and never noticed!! Guess that’s what walking does for you….slows things down so you can see what you would otherwise miss.

    • deanna valenti meyer says:

      Yup…I think that was the whole point of his journey…to see things you would totally miss in a car.

      They are just GORGEOUS Matt…especially on this sunny day.

  7. Joan from NC says:

    I hope to see many pictures of your journeys end … and updates from time to time on your next adventures. It’s been a great pleasure to follow along on this special undertaking, thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. So….I was feeling a little sentimental today and decided to start this (you should also be able to click my name):

    Figured this would be a good place to gather us all together. :) More to come AFTER Matt’s journey comes to an end….

    • Barb V from Michigan says:

      deanna, so sweet of you! I haven’t looked yet, but I emailed the url to myself to check out later. Thank you.

  9. Tna says:

    wait….isn’t he going to pass the Matt mobile off to one of the hobo nation and they will walk it back? I thought this was a never ending story…walking back and forth through generations of children, children’s children, and children’s children’s children?

    • Christine says:

      I have actually seriously asked 3 childless friends if they would join me on a journey similar to this. Seperately of course. I just want one partner. I would plan like Matt did, also of course. No takers. One friend told me she wouldn’t walk to the local store! Well when my 14.5 year old dog passes, it will be a definite possibility for me. I will be smoke free 1 month, I guess today, the 25th!!!!!!!!!!!! I want so bad to do this. I would leave from SC in the winter. I love cold weather.

      • Sarah in Italy says:

        If you want to come to Europe I’ll walk with you. Seriously.

        • Christine says:

          Interesting Sarah! I have been to Ireland a lot, but have never been to the mainland. I would like to at least discuss the idea. How shall we get in touch? Jeff can give you my e-mail address. Jeff, could you do that?

          • Christine says:

            Looking at the map, there are so many options, considering we could never go completely across the continent. We would need visas for each county, or have to look into each one.. You should come here! It would be totally cool, but there will be some language differences, different in each country. I am willing to listen to your ideas. Life is short. Live well and to the fullest.

          • I lived in Ireland for 7 years. Walk Ireland! It is a beautiful country. Howveer England is VERY walker friendly. Boy, if I wasn’t so old now, I would definitely want to take a walking trip. I walked across the island of Paros once and that was it. No more walking trips for me. I am still recuperating and that was 2 years ago!

            • Tna says:

              Sweden has a medieval right, The Right of Public Access that allows you to roam
              about freely in the countryside, forests and fields and walk across people’s
              land without permission, provided you don’t cause any damage.

          • Jeff says:

            Only if Sarah from Italy gives me hers. She never came to me at
            but if she does I will send it on over to you. promise!!

  10. Raymond W. in Del Mar says:

    I am going to miss your daily photos. Congratulations, you’ve done something really special here and have inspired me.

  11. Michael in Atlanta says:

    Thanks for ALL the flowers along the way, buddy. It was so nice to come and get a bouquet every now and then. No need to water, fuss or put them in a vase. Just show up and enjoy. Down to the very last weed, they were all special and beautiful. Thanks for seeing them and sharing them.

  12. Michael in Atlanta says:

    Do I have to go to bed now?

    Have a blast at the beach tomorrow, friend. Enjoy it. Thanks again.

    • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

      Unfortunately yes, but as we go to bed, Karin in Greece will be getting up and see all the wonderful pictures that were posted during her night time. Enjoy these Karin and know I’ve been thinking of you all evening as I’ve been reading through all these.

      • Thanks Dorinda! Yes, I hit the computer first thing, even before coffee! What joy to see so many pictures! Fabulous! I wasn’t worried about him, but I was worried. You know, once a mom, always a mom. Even if Matt isn’t my own child. And the flowers…I think it was wonderful how Matt’s mom always informed us what the flowers were.

        • Jeff says:

          hay you forgot me. sniff sniff….love the flowers. Cool and wet on th NorthEast Coast today…to match Matts cool and damp Northwest end. Early to rise…early to pictures.

          • Julie in Cincinnati says:

            Now Jeff, how could anyone ever forget about you?? Let’s see – Matt’s our Chief Hobo, Don’s the Mayor of Hobo Nation. How about you as our Head Honcho (or Hobo Honcho), Big Kahuna (don’t know if I spelled that right) or Director of P.R.? You’ll never be forgotten…..we love you!

            • Jeff says:

              Mahalo…. by the way I was kidding…. and I will take the Kahuna comment with me always.

              My sharing moment… My youngest daughter is Corrie (named after Harry Chapin Song.. Corey’s coming) though harry did not get to meet her Steve Chapin did… his comment while touching her cheek “the circle continues” My eldest is named Mikala (named after Hawaiian word for Green – Makala).

              • Julie in Cincinnati says:

                I love the name connections! My daughters are named after special people in my life (both first and middle names).

  13. Lisa Downing says:

    Have so enjoyed your journey, Matt. Please post lots of pics of your welcome in Rockaway Beach OR. I will be first in line when your book is published. Will miss the trip.

  14. Oh! Oh! last picture! This is getting to be exciting and sad and joyful! Where is Matt at this moment? I bet he is slurping Tillamook ice cream! I hope so!

    • Oh mercy! I just had a “flash back”! Funny that it took me this long to remember. 1947…..Picture a little girl about 7 years old who liked to go out on her own for “adventues”. That usually meant a journey up into the hills near our house, looking for caves in the Lava Rock or a very long walk to ….wherever. Probably the local park….which was quite a hike. My mom took a picture of me. Pigtails, a big loose shirt hanging out, and….a long stick with my lunch in it. All tied up in a red bandana! If you had asked me what I was doing I would have told you I was playing HOBO! I loved adventure!!!! Discovery!!!! Nature!!!!! So beng a HOBO is in my blood! I blame it all on my father, he had HOBO blood running through his veins too!

  15. EDL in MN says:

    Flowers on the railroad tracks???

  16. Donna says:

    Congratulations on a job well done, Matt. I wonder how difficult it was to sleep knowing how close you are to your destination? Thank you for sharing your fantastic journey!

    • katzien in austin says:

      I know! I best last night was a bit like Christmas Eve for Matt, when you sleep but only lightly, because you’re excited for morning to come. ;-)

  17. Jeff says:

    Congratulations. Take tomorrow off. A pedicure and foot massage is in order.

  18. Has anyone forewarned Matt on how COLD the waters of the Pacific Ocean are along the Oregon Coast? He is in for a shock! Or perhaps he will be so high he won’t even notice! The only way I could even stand to stay in the water was if I got blue enough, (numb), then I could stand it!

  19. Jeff says:

    ps…if you ebay off your supplies….I get dibbs on the pedometer.

  20. Hi Matt,

    I just wanted to say congratulations on the near-completion of your walk. It looks like it’s been wonderful and I feel privileged to have been able to follow you vicariously.

    You have been an inspiration for me, and a reminder to ‘just keep walking’ when I’m finding training for my own challenge, er, challenging.

    Thanks so much,

    • Vickie from Michigan says:

      Kate, I checked out your blog — your marathon London walk next spring is such a wonderful way to honor your dad.

    • Barb V from Michigan says:

      So cool to see representation from all over the world!

      Question to other HoboPlaneteers: Did anyone else read this with a British accent? I didn’t realize I was until the third sentence. :)

  21. John in MI says:

    Great job Matt! I hope you wake up this morning well-rested, and ready to enjoy those last few steps you’ve longed for. Though I know it’s the journey, not the destination, the feel of that invigorating and salty Pacific will be the sweetest nectar around today. Enjoy the kudos from the Rockaway Beach residents, and all of us on the Hobo Planet. You have earned every bit of it!

  22. Saun in Ohio says:

    The Happy Wanderer
    Enjoy your last day Matt, thanks for the ride….. : )

  23. I was thinking…..of all the inspirational people out there in the world who have had amazing adventures!

    Since I spent the winter in Prague I have become interested in that country and what it has to offer. At the moment I am following a bicyclist who is traveling the perimeter of the Czech Republic. He is showing the most amazing photos of towns, villages, and his difficulties as well, such as being in a major flood.

    This winter I joined in a blog following 2 young men from Slovakia who decided to walk across Lake Baikal, located in southern Russia. They did this, of course in winter. This was a short trip, only about a month long. (It was incredibly long to them!) What was so interesting was some of the videos in which let us hear the constant cracking of the ice. In one video the wind was merciless, they had to shout inside their tent it was so loud. They were packing their belongings (tents, etc) on sledges. over huge chunks of ice for days at a time. You had to cheer them on! These men pit themselves against some of the harshest nature in the world.

    Another blog I enjoy is a young man, again from the Czech Republic and his girlfriend who are bicyclists going from Mexico City south, I actually don’t know how far they plan to go. At the moment they are in Belize. They have also done Peru and Bolivia in S. America. This same young man, on his own, travelled from Czech Republic to Australia, (going through Afghanistan!) taking about a year. His pictures are fantastic. So many amazing countries out there. I was afraid for him a lot of the time. However, found people in all countries to be curious and friendly.

    I mention all this because there are some fantastic travel blogs out there of people challenging themselves. They must finish being different people than when they go into it.

    Which brings me to Matt. I will always wonder the outcome of his future. How much this trip will influence his decisions in life. How different is he from the young man who started? To me he is very brave. To take on the entire country and trust the people he met? Here is a good quote, maybe it is how Matt felt going into this:

    “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes” – Zig Zigler

    So Matt left expecting to achieve his goal.
    He took his mace!
    And he took it as it came.


  24. connie K says:

    Matt this is a bitter sweet moment. You will soon be reaching your goal (congrats), but we as visitors will be missing your journey. Thanks for bringing us along with you on your trek across the U.S.

  25. Julie in Cincinnati says:

    Have an incredibly fun day today Matt!!! Can’t wait to see the pics and comments of your splash in the Pacific. Jeff, Dorinda, Karin, Nick, Roxanne, Katzien, Deanna and the rest of the Hobo Planet – let’s not lose touch. And Don!!! Where’s Don this morning?

    • Jeff says:

      do I have your email to keep in touch … others should I pass on info to Julie? your call. I shall do as your request.

      Well by now whether you posted once or posted a million times – we are all family sitting around a big huge table awaiting the arrival of a brother of ours (ut oh big religious moment to ponder there). We have been checking in like good brothers and sisters should. So you Youtube video suppliers…. is it not time for disco flasback moment … oh say a little … we are family??

      • Julie in Cincinnati says:

        Now I’ve got that song stuck in my head!! Thanks Jeff! Btw, I sent you an email.

      • RAYMOND in ALABAMA says:

        Jeff when Matt updates today He should be there or close by waiting to see.

      • Wilma in WV says:

        I also sent an email just to keep in touch!

      • I set up a blog (In case you missed my earlier comment) to help bring us together (if you choose to want to). Anyone from the Hobo Planet is welcome to chime in anytime. I would love to hear from all of you and hope to take inspiration, fun, etc from all of you. Jeff, I’ll send you my e-mail shortly…

        Big HUGS to all of you out there…

    • Yes, I would like to keep in touch. Not sure how you go about it though, as I am hesitant to put our my email address. I am on Facebook.

      NOTE: my husband and I have some sites and a blog about Paros, Greece.

      Work site for tourism:

      And we also have a blog about our winter(s) in Prague. I am suppose to be updating it from this last winter (the project I PROMISED my husband I would finish WHEN Matt reaches Rockaway).

      That one is:

      • Sandy says:

        Thanks for sharing your blogs. I love the pictures of Prague. It is an amazing city and I’m very jealous that you actually got to live there. I’ve visited twice and would love to go back for longer.

  26. Jenn in OH says:

    Hi all! I’ve been following Matt silently since April. I feel like it’s finally time to de-lurk and say something!

    Matt – thank you so much for taking all of us on this amazing journey with you. You’ve taught us all about slowing down and looking at what’s going on around us. You’ve taught us about living in the MOMENT. And most importantly, you’ve restored our faith in humanity. I’ve seen the good in America throughout your journey and through the comments and the wonderful community you’ve built here in the Hobo Planet.

    Thank you for that. Enjoy your last day, and know that you’ve left some pretty indelible footprints on your walk.

  27. Frances in Wisconsin says:

    Thanks Matt. I went back to walking because of you. I’m a 65 year old women and lately I can keep up with people much younger then me. Thanks again. Sorry, I only commented a couple of times.

  28. Well, this is it…today is the day…good luck Matt and enjoy it all…send pictures…and keep in touch…somehow I know you will…

  29. Michelle says:

    Matt, you have been an inspiration. I’m planning my own journey…don’t know what it is yet…but I’ve got to get back on the road. This has been a joy. May you be blessed in all you do.


    Peace, from Michelle in Providence

  30. Donna in Texas says:

    Congratulations Matt! We will all miss your pictures and your wonderful sense of humor! I will be waiting impatiently for that book, the book tour and the talk shows. I would love to do what you have done, to see so many wonderful places in our beautiful country and meet so many kind interesting people.

  31. Flavia says:

    i’m getting very teary-eyed knowing this is Matt’s last day of his amazing journey. I’m so happy for him to have completed his journey. Again, I will miss the Hobo Planet postings. Congratulations Matt and thanks again for sharing you “great adventure” with us.

  32. Kris in MN says:

    Congratulations, Matt and thank you so much for sharing your journey. The pictures have been amazing, the people commenting on the pictures have been kind, funny, and welcoming. I hope you will consider compiling the photos and your experiences in a book as I would love to read it.

  33. charlie says:

    Long was the road, from conception, to completion – Moliere

  34. Michael in Atlanta says:

    Ok. While we wait….anyone care to share a memorable photo?

    With all the beauty and goodness, mine HAS to be Beer and Clamato. Had Matt stayed home, I might never have known about it and I would have been happy with that. But I would have missed the Hutterite ladies who hosted Matt. Kind of awesome to me.

    • Jeff says:

      My photo is the dung beetles. Only because I thought they were in africa only. I was like we have them here.
      My video is him walking that path in minnesota and the kid rides by him..and there is that interaction.

      • Michael in Atlanta says:

        i liked the kid video too. very nice. I like the way some folks have been good enough to join matt in his walk

  35. blistery Bob says:

    “….put one foot in front of the other, and soon you’ll be……”

    Where did that song come from?

    How does it end for us here at the Hobo Nation?

    • blistery Bob says:

      or what has our Matt started?

      • Michael in Atlanta says:

        Google has everything

        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking cross the floor
        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking out the door

        You never will get where you’re going
        If you never get up on your feet
        Come on, there’s a good tail wind blowing
        A fast walking man is hard to beat

        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking cross the floor
        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking out the door

        If you want to change your direction
        If your time of life is at hand
        Well don’t be the rule be the exception
        A good way to start is to stand

        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking cross the floor
        Put one foot in front of the other
        And soon you’ll be walking out the door

        If I want to change the reflection
        I see in the mirror each morn
        You mean that it’s just my election
        To vote for a chance to be reborn

  36. bullcitymama in NC says:

    I’m just sitting here catching up…I can’t believe it’s over (or very soon to be over!). Matt, I’m just echoing everyone’s sentiments…what an amazing journey, thank you for sharing this time with all of us. I’m so happy and sad-what will become of us not that you are finished? Are we inspired enough to go on our own journeys? Will we quietly leave the room one at a time, satisfied and proud?

    )))hugs((( to you on the next step and wherever it may lead!!

  37. Ruthie in CA says:

    Matt and friends, Thanks for the Memories.

  38. Sandy says:

    Thanks Matt! I’m not sure I can thank you enough for allowing us not only to look into your life and your adventure, but the lives and adventures of the hobo nation. I’ll miss checking in daily, and sometimes multiples times a day to see the pictures and read the comments. Thanks to the hobo nation for being an amazing group of people who feel like friends and pen pals. It’s been an honor. :) I only wish I had been more courageous to comment earlier.

  39. Roberta! in NM says:

    Don in TN, where are you?
    What’s the ‘finish line’ youtube song?

    May I suggest the theme from Chariots of Fire?

    or perhaps, Josh Groban’s “You Are Loved” or “You Raise Me Up”
    or the “Hallelujah Chorus”

    It MUST be something that proclaims the greatness of Matt’s feat (and feet)…

    … maybe, simply… “America, the Beautiful”

  40. Wilma in WV says:

    I didn’t join the pool, but this is a wonderful surprise. Today is my birthday, so I will always remember when Matt’s walk ended. Thanks to all of you in Hobo Nation/Planet for your comments. I concur with Ruthie. We will never forget this journey.

  41. Sandy says:

    Happy Birthday!

  42. Doris says:

    Has anybody else notice that Matt never misspelled a word? I thought that was amazing. I see misspelled words in newspapers and on the net all the time. “But not our Matt” And talk about articulation, I believe he could write a book without an editor.


  43. Candice In Alabama says:

    Thank you Matt for sharing these beautiful flowers!

    • Candice In Alabama says:

      Thank you Matt for sharing your journey and thanks to all the commenters for the laughs, information, wit, etc.

  44. Ashley in MD says:

    What happened to the person that would write songs about the pictures? Was it Young?

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