Day 1039

Leonhard Eppig

November 3rd, 2014

One of Brooklyn's most successful beer brewers and the man behind the spectacular St. Barbara's Church in Bushwick


  1. Howard Faunce says:

    My grandfather was Henry Leonard Eppig, who Imm believe was the son of Leonard and Barbara. I went to St. Barbara s church which was a block away from our apartment on Bleecker St. They were also visited by Jack Schoeb whom I believe was aunt Tilly son.My grandparents never talked much about what happened to make my grandfather split from his family with the possible exception of his marrying my grandmother? (who passed away in 1977)
    *I’ve tried in the past to learn more but to no avail.If you can offer any information it would be gratefully accepted. My mother
    their daughter’ passed away in March 1965
    Thank you again for any help you can offer.

  2. Katye Vachon says:

    I am related as well. My grandfather was John Adam Eppig son of Henry.

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