Day 55

Awesome mailbox #17

May 20th, 2010

It took me a minute to understand what I was looking at. Then I giggled.


  1. Rob says:

    I can only assume you mis-labeled your picture and actually found yourself in Cowlumbus, WI.

  2. Amy says:

    I like the fact that it appears to say “Hi, Al” under the udders. Mailman, I’m assuming. :)

  3. May says:

    it looks like a cow’s “behind” to me….LOL… that one is funny or just my wild imagination….take care…

  4. Craig says:

    wahahahaha GOOD ONE!

  5. Karen Too says:

    I like, too, the matching newspaper receptacles. Very stylish, or should I say: Udderly stylish?

    (Come on, somebody had to say it!)

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