Day 108

Awesome mailbox #37

July 12th, 2010

It doubles as a bomb shelter.


  1. Gigi says:

    Here’s the awesome mailbox everybody is waiting for. Looks like it’s smiling :-)

  2. Karen Too says:

    Looks as if it might get up at any moment, and walk away.

  3. I think it’s a female mail box, it’s wearing the dress symbol like on a bathroom designating mens from womens. No? And two little arms kinda? And yes if it had some oil it does look like it would get up and walk away. As usual Matt, another Awesome mailbox.!!!!

  4. Candice in Alabama says:

    I just wonder what in the heck that thing is? Besides being a mailbox – Was it something else before becoming a mailbox?

  5. Uncle Sam says:

    Looks like the evil old witch gave up and turned the oven into a mailbox after dealing with Hansel and Gretel!

  6. katzien in austin says:

    What is it?? It’s recycled and welded parts….but I just can’t tell what they were in their former life. They must expect alot of mail though.

  7. Greg from Boston says:

    Indiana Jones could survive a nuclear blast in that thing.

  8. Laurenis says:

    It’s a husband and wife mailbox, standing tall and proud in the middle of no where.

  9. Jeff says:

    I knew he would be back with awesome mailboxes. Just took him a little time !!!

  10. Craig ( NC!) says:

    looks like the bottom was for bigger packages, had a place for a padlock for the postman and the client.

  11. Marshall in RVA says:

    When a man’s an empty kettle, he should be on his mettle, And yet I’m torn apart. Just because I’m presumin’ that I could be kind-a-human, If I only had a heart.

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