OH the waterfalls! I once spent a week there hiking to different falls and it wasn’t enough time to get to all of them. GORGEOUS! But it was amazing to note that a person can drive right up to some of the most beautiful ones!
Bet that’s a sight you’ve been wanting to see for quite some time now after seeing nothing but rocks and dirt for most of 2 states. And flat open land spaces. Not that they weren’t beautiful in their own way but I love trees, the more the better. Lush green. Love it. To me it says home because I have 4 very large trees in my back yard.
Trees… I love trees… what a welcome site after all the open spaces you’ve walked recently… of course the river’s been gorgeous… but these trees are lovely.
Where he’s at Washington and Oregon aren’t that different looking. It all depends on which side of the Cascade mountains you’re on, not so much what state you’re in.
My! The scenery changed in a hurry, didn’t it. From scrub brush, to rivers gorges and now towering trees. Our country really is amazing, isn’t it. Thanks for sharing it with us, Matt!
All his photos are beautiful – but now I’m getting teary eyed thinking about the fact that there will soon be no more to see… I truly hope they are put into some sort of book format so I can revisit them – with less difficulty – the computer doesn’t always cooperate…
You guys all have such awesome things to say – I’lll miss reading all of your encouraging words as well…
I know, I am getting very sad also. I have enjoyed sitting down everyday at lunch or in the evening when hubby is watching t.v. and sharing with everyone and going on my little side trip with Matt. Just isn’t going to be the same without everyone. Sniff sniff.
That's the idea, at least. I'm walking westward from New York City for nine months or so.
If everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Oregon when the clock runs out.
If nothing goes according to plan, maybe I'll end up in Peru or Mongolia or Pennsylvania.
You can read all about the details of my trip
if you're so inclined.
watch out for the poison oak!
Hey, if you zoom deep to the tree in the middle you will see that this indeed is the place where bears do there business.
Enjoy the waterfalls tomorrow~
OH the waterfalls! I once spent a week there hiking to different falls and it wasn’t enough time to get to all of them. GORGEOUS! But it was amazing to note that a person can drive right up to some of the most beautiful ones!
Hope Matt gets some pics of the waterfalls…..this picture is incredibly fantastic…
Bet that’s a sight you’ve been wanting to see for quite some time now after seeing nothing but rocks and dirt for most of 2 states. And flat open land spaces. Not that they weren’t beautiful in their own way but I love trees, the more the better. Lush green. Love it. To me it says home because I have 4 very large trees in my back yard.
Trees… I love trees… what a welcome site after all the open spaces you’ve walked recently… of course the river’s been gorgeous… but these trees are lovely.
I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree ..
Gigi, that was great, so appropriate. Glad to see some still know the poetry of Kilmer.
I speak for the tree’s the truffula trees. Awesome and majestic at the same time. Breath that fresh air..in.
I really must get a Droid, this picture is amazing! What a wonderful collection of scenic images you’ve collected so far!
It’s always amazed how different Washington and Oregon are right along the Columbia…dry desert vs. wet forest.
Where he’s at Washington and Oregon aren’t that different looking. It all depends on which side of the Cascade mountains you’re on, not so much what state you’re in.
Yea, east of the Cascades in both states are mostly dry. West – lush and green in both states. It’s all about the Cascade Mountains, not the states.
right on!
Trees are beautiful! And when camping, with wind gently blowing, they will sing you to sleep! Oh, I smell them. Delicious!
Let’s all take a collective breath and stop and smell the roses……..umm trees!
My! The scenery changed in a hurry, didn’t it. From scrub brush, to rivers gorges and now towering trees. Our country really is amazing, isn’t it. Thanks for sharing it with us, Matt!
All his photos are beautiful – but now I’m getting teary eyed thinking about the fact that there will soon be no more to see… I truly hope they are put into some sort of book format so I can revisit them – with less difficulty – the computer doesn’t always cooperate…
You guys all have such awesome things to say – I’lll miss reading all of your encouraging words as well…
I know, I am getting very sad also. I have enjoyed sitting down everyday at lunch or in the evening when hubby is watching t.v. and sharing with everyone and going on my little side trip with Matt. Just isn’t going to be the same without everyone. Sniff sniff.
such sadness! but, joy at the same time – Matt has set a huge goal and has almost completed his journey… Happiness for him!
Oh my – mighty tall trees – What a variety of landscapes have unfolded during your journey. Thanks again, for sharing them.
Huge, majestic, towering trees. Wow.
Sherwood Forest!! I’m packing my bags now….