Day 489


May 2nd, 2013

When I spotted this mausoleum, there was a worker inside cleaning it. I didn't want to take him by surprise, so I said hi and told him I was going to snap a photo.

Him: No, you can't do that.
Me: I can't?
Him: I don't think you can take a picture of an open one without permission.
Me: Oh, that's OK. I'll just get the top part here.
Him: [Stepping outside and looking up] Ah, you want a picture of the Schmuck, huh?
Me: Well, let's not cast aspersions on the character of the dead [is what I wish I had said].

One Comment

  1. Angie says:

    I live in New Zealand, visited New York some years back, and absolutely loved it!! I am so enjoying your pics – this one is classic! Thank you so much for the pleasure you are giving to many, even across the world!

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