Day 676

Agapé Sabbath Day Church

November 5th, 2013

A sign mounted on the building reads:


Be it known that
Pastor Dr. R. C. Connor, D.Min., Ph.D.
A Defender of the Faith, A Protector of the Flock
A Champion for the Cause of Christ in an Endeavor
To Restore Glory and Honor to the Church of
Jesus Church: Rescued Restored and Revitalized
this dilapidated Warehouse into God's House
This vestige installed herein this 10th month of 2007
In this the 44th Year of His Ministry
The 7th Year of His Episcopacy


  1. gordon satteson says:

    Doesn’t sound as if it’s god that’s being glorified to me!

  2. sam says:

    Dear friends,

    We like your website a lot. Your program and teachings touched us greatly.
    We are studying all kinds of topics there. Everything is so interesting, and finding more truth inside.

    We have learned so much about things We have never thought about before.
    How do we affiliate?

    Our Ministry will like to partner with you, get more knowledge of His Word and guidance as we work and build these great Kingdom of our Lord. We have 5 congregation plus one Orphanage center.

    Shall write more as soon as we hear from you. May His will be done and greetings of love from us and the brethren over here plus the Orphans.

    God bless and read from you real soon!

    Your brother in Christ Jesus,


  3. We would love to hear your Sabbath do we connect? Email
    Thanks have a Blessed Sabbath❤❤❤

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