Day 144


August 17th, 2010

Reminds me of the day I left New York.


  1. Bev from Vancouver WA says:

    Sorry Matt I didn’t want to tell you about the stairs. They have been the bane of many of our training walks. Keep walking:)

    • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

      A little warning may have helped? make a better or different decision? or maybe he already knew.

      • Jeff says:

        ahhhh..but alas All things must come full circle. Left first state to second…stairs.
        Left to enter last state…stairs……Full Circle. Just like those wheels that hate stairs.

        Up you go…

  2. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    With the light beams shining down like that it makes it look like a stair way to heaven. Gosh Matt I hope you didn’t have to hike your cart all the way up those stairs alone. That’s to much to do. I feel sorry for you if you had to do that and hope someone was there to maybe help you with it.

  3. Ruthie in CA says:

    Did you hear the Rocky tune in your head?/

  4. MN Roxanne says:

    I love how the light streams down on the stairs but am sad to think you had to haul your cart up them!! Tough on the back, arms,legs … oh all of you ached I’m sure when you were done climbing.

  5. Christopher says:

    Oh pleeeze! Reality check here! What’s a measly few flights of stairs for a man who has walked nearly 3000 miles and over the Continental Divide.

    • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

      Walking is not the issue. It’s carrying that cart up them. You try to carry/pull that heavy cart up those stairs.

    • young says:

      Christopher – I believe Matt is bemoaning the fact that he would have to unload the Runabout and make multiple trips like he has done before to ascend stairs.

      Dorinda – As an engineer, I am sure Matt is keenly aware that it would be too risky on the journey to subject his crucial centerpiece equipment to possible damage by trying to “pull” the Runabout up the jarring stairs under heavy load or God forbid slippage and the entire bundle comes crashing down. Without a doubt, Matt is a superb planner.

      I hope this explanation can shed some light on the horrid stairs situation.

      • Karen Too says:

        Oh boy. Agreed; it’s getting the cart up, and down, those stairs that has to be the worst.

        (I’ve walked the GW bridge stairs, and they are a royal pain. No matter what one’s physical shape, twelve flights of stairs is daunting even without a cart. I did them with a ton of luggage in tow.)

        The light in the picture is very pretty, as others have pointed out.

  6. Gigi says:

    I was going over the first few days of the blog last night and was thinking about the stairs in NJ when I saw this pic. Did you count how many steps up?

  7. Roe says:

    Looks like much less than they were and Matt, you are in fighting trim now!

  8. John in MI says:

    Just when we thought it was all downhill from here.

  9. Thomas says:

    Well, just consider that it is the completion of one of the circles of life.

  10. papa soji says:

    Another of God’s little jests.

  11. Candice In Alabama says:

    Matt – did you pull the cart up? I can’t imagine pushing it up those stairs!

  12. Donna in MI says:

    How many flights of stairs, and did you count how many steps on your way to the sky? Matt has SISU!

    • Donna in MI says:

      Matt – I just found out that you climbed and dragged your cart up a WHOPPING 62 STAIRS! WOW!

      They had a narrow trough for bike wheels, but nothing for a Hobo pushing a cart.

  13. papa soji says:

    Checked out the Jersey stairway, at least it’s not raining here, rain always seems to add to the annoyance. I think I’da tossed those backpacks on top of the cart and pulled it up back’ards…but that’ just me.

  14. Kerin says:

    You have arrived, indeed :)

  15. How come he didn’t use the elevator?

  16. Belle Zora says:

    Matt’s walk has made me realize how much easier and less tiring walking would be (except for stairs, sand, and such) without hauling a backpack. Maybe I’ll devise a way to carry the tent, sleeping bag, etc, on one of those walkers you see in nursing homes. Then I can also use it to hold me up as the years go by. Walk on!

  17. katzien in austin says:

    The little cart that could….come on man, you can do it!

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