This figure of Azrael (there's actually a face inside that cloak), sculpted by Solon Borglum (whose brother who carved Mount Rushmore), marks the graves of Charles A. Schieren, mayor of Brooklyn from 1894-1895, and his family. The NY Times ran a very flattering profile of Mr. Schieren in October 1893, just a couple of weeks before his election. The final paragraph reads:
Mr. Schieren is above the average in size, and well built. He has a pleasant face, with regular, clear-cut features and kindly brown eyes, which leave an impression of sincerity upon all who meet their gaze. His brown hair is sprinkled with threads of gray, as are also his luxuriant side whiskers and mustache. In manner, he is kindly and good-natured, and is a man whom it is a pleasure to know.