Day 24

Congratulations! You’re a seeder!

April 19th, 2010

What a ridiculous package!


  1. Nancy & Dennis says:

    where were they packaged at?

  2. jeremy says:

    that’s incredible. i love that. there’s about 10 things on there that i love. Maybe more actually.

  3. Don says:

    True seeders are fat professional athletes that eat the shells.

  4. Lauren says:

    Writing for packaging like that is seriously one of my dream jobs…

  5. Steph! says:

    I wish I could experience SNACKTIVITY.

  6. Thomas says:

    Looks almost like something you’d see on, but it isn’t. Makes it all the funnier.

  7. Karen Lang says:

    I just read that last week at my kids ball game, funny that we have eaten them forever and never needed to read the directiions.

  8. Tony B. says:

    Good to know that the bag of sunflower seeds is still pre-expiry date. Sure hope you plan your Snacktivities prior to them going rancid. :)

  9. Dee says:

    You will have to come through South Dakota and grab some Dakota Style seeds!! They are the best! Goodluck on your journey! It sounds amazing and I wish more of us had the opportunity to do it! :o)

  10. Barb V says:

    Love this! I wonder if only sunflower seeds qualify for Snacktivity. Imagine the possibilities!

  11. Christopher says:

    Obviously, the writer of this packaging is highly experienced in QUACKTIVITY!

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