Day 66

Memorial Day in Red Wing

May 31st, 2010

Goodhue County Veterans Memorial


  1. Will says:

    Thank you to all our Veterans for your service!

  2. Robert says:

    Matt, in case your not up on current events….

    Gary Coleman died on the 28th after falling and hitting his head a couple days before.

    Also, there’s apparently a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s supposed to be the worst ever and BP still apparently can’t seem to figure out how to stop the gushing oil.

    That is all.

    Keep on Truckin!

  3. Bob Currie says:

    Thank you to all Veterans, but especially to my fellow USMC Brothers and Sisters.

  4. Colleen says:

    I have been following your blog since you started – I forget how I heard of it – but I love reading it. I especially love that you’re in Goodhue County because Goodhue is my last name! My family went on vacation there when I was in grade school.

    Anyways, I love your blog and reading about all the sweet people you are meeting along the way. I also really love the photos of small things that go unnoticed. Happy Travels! I will continue to read!

  5. Janna in Alabama says:

    Thank you for reminding us who today is about.

  6. Doris says:

    Aww, the great American flag. Becoming a rare site anymore. And what a shame. The men and women who fought for our freedom should be able to see our flag everywhere they go.

  7. Dennis Salb says:

    Matt, It’s awesome that your path would cross this memorial today. Thank you veterans!

  8. katzien says:

    I notice the blank sides on a few of the markers. I hope they don’t have to etch any more names for any additional wars. By the way Matt, are you twittering at all??

  9. Stephen says:

    Matt, thanks for posting a special photo for Memorial Day. I’m an Army veteran and have been following your progress for the last week or so. Many thanks to you for your journey and many thanks to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who have served this country.

  10. Dave says:

    God Bless America! Thanks for remembering our fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate price, even while you walk.

  11. Linda says:

    Thanks to all the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice and to all the vets who are still out there serving our country. big thank you.

    And to Matt for taking us along on his journey

    I am enjoying following your trip. keep safe

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