Day 117

Best wheelchair lift price I’ve seen all trip!

July 21st, 2010


  1. Where’s the wheelchair? Can’t believe, no I should believe, this is out in the middle of the parking lot.

  2. Jeff says:

    For that price did you want it installed? Does it accept modified three wheelers??

  3. RF from Sunnyvale, CA says:

    I won’t give you a penny over $525. Take it or leave it.

    Love the pics, Matt – stay strong!

  4. Don in Tennessee says:

    This photo is so UPLIFTING!!!

    Wonder if the owner has tried EBAY or CRAIGS LIST?

    This could be used where the truck on a stick is to get the dang driver up to get in. Someone tell the owner of the char (correct SP) lift to sell it to the owner of the business with the truck on a stick!

    I could be EBAY DON!!!

  5. MN Roxanne says:

    I bet it is the best price so far!!!

  6. Candice in Alabama says:

    Matt – could you use it as a “ImJustWalkin'” Hobo Cart lift?

  7. Karen Too says:

    Exactly how many of these things have you seen on this trip, Matt? Not a typical sight.

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