Day 23

PA oil well

April 18th, 2010

I've seen a few of these pumpjacks today.


  1. tim says:

    I understand the first major USA oil well was in Oil City PA

  2. neil says:

    actually wasn’t it titusville? ( Col. Drake)

  3. Nancy & Dennis says:

    matt, dennis just said his grandfather always said thay there was oil here on the property you sleep on maybe we should hook up one on those contraptions good idea!!!!!

  4. Dave says:

    I hope you covered the eyes of the solar charger as you moseyed past. Otherwise it probably would have demanded a round of fisticuffs.

  5. Uncle Alan says:

    How many blog-watchers are old enough to remember the “Sound your Z for Pennzoil” advertisements?

  6. Nancy & Dennis says:

    well uncle alan i’m 57 and i dont remember that .

  7. Cousin Sherry says:

    I’m 59 and don’t remember it and we were exposed to the same ads!

  8. Roe says:

    How about Kendall oil, from Bradford, PA?

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