Day 25

Have a Nice Day

April 20th, 2010

I opened a container of hummus and this is what I saw.


  1. Brian says:

    Of course, the Virgin Mary!

  2. Jan says:

    No, no! It’s Bill Clinton!!

  3. Jonathan says:

    In the past, haven’t you just eaten right through the plastic lid? I’m concerned that you took the time to open the container. Are you feeling okay?

  4. nic says:

    it’s a sarlacc

  5. kat says:

    Hey! from Austin. I’m catching up to you! I read your msnbc news story and started reading at Day 1. Your people pics and stories are my favorite so far, until I found happiness in the hummus lid. ;-) As one country song says, “free and easy down the road I go.” By the way, how will you get home?? Happy trails, I’ve got Day 26 to get to. kat

  6. Raymond says:

    LOL! This is Raymond from San Diego. You are the re-incarnation of my hero Forrest Gump! You can’t deny it, the signs are everywhere!

  7. Barb V says:

    Have a nice day!

  8. david says:

    i am also a big forrest gump fan and i am really interested in your jouney

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