Day 34

You Can’t Tell a Book by a Chair, or:

April 29th, 2010

Uncle Ray Tells Really Lame Stories.

(The sticker was originally on the front of the package.)


  1. Uncle Alan says:

    The ingredients list says it contains soda. I guess that’s good–you don’t need to buy a separate drink with your chips.

  2. Jason Eppink says:

    I-I kind of liked it?

  3. Nicole says:

    I like Uncle Ray’s stories. I really love your blog!

  4. Sean says:

    Makes you wonder what corners they cut at the factory

  5. Nate says:

    UncleRay looks pretty lame as well!

  6. Mark Bone says:

    I agree with Jason. Seems like what you’re promoting. To each his method and medium. Don’t hate!!

  7. Amy says:

    I liked the story too – a cute one from the old days. I was surprised you thought it was lame – he has listed some good values.

  8. Dominic says:

    I like that he said REPAIR, Re-Use, Recycle. Someone earlier mentioned that. Up to 6 R’s now!

  9. Lauren says:

    I don’t like that uncle Ray puts corn syrup in his pretzels. Man, there has to be a good story about the life and times prior to corn syrup being put in everything, right Uncle Ray?

  10. Julie from the Sunshine State says:

    Just bought my first bag of Uncle Ray’s on my last road trip – salt and vinegar chips. The story on the bag was about taking the kids to the zoo, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the moral – or the point – was. The chips were good, though.

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