Day 35

Awesome mailbox #6

April 30th, 2010

I think it's #6, anyway.


  1. George Broze says:

    Very cool!

  2. Madan says:

    Though you’ve shown us some awesome mailboxes so far, IMO this is the #1 most awesomest yet.

  3. Thomas says:

    Yeah, very creative folk art out there. You are going to need a special gallery just for these.

  4. Ned says:

    I’d be tempted to pull on the cord like I was trying to get the thing started

  5. Tesla Russell says:

    Very creative!! I’m pretty tempted to make one of these for my grandpa.

  6. Michael says:

    7 years ago I became a truckdriver for my own form of (walkabout)(3years) and it worked. Do what you have to do. After which I became an Environmental Engineer and have my own company. I got tired of 50’s approach towards life School, Work, Family, and Death. There had to more. Keep sending us pictures of Amerikkana. (I hope I spelled it correctly).
    God Bless….Michael

  7. zebraz says:

    You will have to walk a long way to see a mailbox better than that one.

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