Day 53

Awesome mailbox #15

May 18th, 2010

The barrel is protecting the mailbox post. It was awesomer when I thought the mailbox was just sitting on the barrel.


  1. jack carson says:

    my grandfather did something similiar with concrete to stop vandals from smashing his garbage cans. he painted it with stripes to get their attention then heard a crunch one night, found glass the next morning and it never happened again, hehehe……

  2. Krystal :0) says:


    • Melissa says:

      I love your use of words not in the dictionary! AWESOMER and ENORMOUSER… you sound so much like me! Try this one: Snapalicious!!

  3. I love your use of words not in the dictionary! Awesomer, Enormouser… you sound so much like me! Try this one: Snapalicious!!

  4. Melody says:

    I was thinking maybe it had a trap door in the bottom of the mail box that dropped junk mail into the barrel. Reminds me of the burn barrels everyone had in their backyard to burn trash in the 50’s in the suburbs of Okla. City

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