Day 98

The badlands begin

July 3rd, 2010


  1. Janine says:

    Doesn’t look so bad to me! Just beautiful.

  2. Gabe says:

    May I snag this pic for my Droid home screen?

  3. Jeff says:

    and so they do. Nice rock formations..I know there will be more…but nice start. yea this would make a great background screen.

  4. Karen Too says:

    According to several sites, the area got its name from the Sioux Indians, and then French trappers, due to lack of drinking water, difficulty in traveling the terrain, lack of animal life, and more:

  5. katzien in austin says:

    Why the “badlands?” I’m guessing it was hard to travel with horse and buggy. I’m going to google it now. This pic makes me want to climb them….just like being a kid again. ;-)

  6. Jeff says:

    There are a couple Badlands..what is up with that Katzien. I was thinking maybe because west bound settlers went from ease of grasslands into this hilly area….made things bad ofr horse and buggy like you said. that would be my guess.

  7. Candice in Alabama says:

    Maybe water gets scarce.

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