Day 123

Lower Jocko Lake

July 27th, 2010


  1. Saun in Ohio says:

    beautiful thanks Matt :)

  2. Oh WOW! Look at this! This has got to be the best part of your trip! Walking through this on foot and being able to take it ALL in. Now I wish I was you. This is fabulous.

  3. mh in indy says:

    Judging from the trees on the hill on the right, it looks like the lake & valley offered some natural block for a forest fire.

  4. Jeff says:

    one word…Stunning.

  5. Angelica says:

    So beautiful…it must have made you smile to pass this by.

  6. Candice in Alabama says:

    Sure is some pretty water! Is that the “aqua/bluegreen” water someone mentioned earlier?

  7. Karen Too says:

    I sure hope you took advantage of all of this inviting water, and went for a dip (or at least took off your shoes, and put your feet in the water).

  8. charlie says:

    ok, ok. stemming off of my last comment about ‘back roads’…..otherwise matt (and vicarously, us) would never have gotten to see all of this stunning scenery…..

  9. Dave in TN says:

    Why are the trees on the right side of the pic, bare? Any thoughts.

  10. Tna says:

    Wasn’t it mentioned earlier that some bug was killing pines? I know the Smoky Mts. have the wooly adelgid that is killing the hemlocks.

  11. Montana Matt says:

    The Trees on the right were burned in the Jocko Complex about three years ago, which burned 40K+ acres of land. Pine beetle killed trees would still have brown needles on the trees and these tree’s have no needs because they have been burned off.

  12. Naj says:

    That’s not so common anymore
    Nature without any disturbance by man
    Its beautiful

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