Day 147

People, together

August 20th, 2010


  1. 1Sun Goddess says:

    Downtown Portland don’t you just love it!~ Governor Tom McCall Waterfront Park is a park,on the west bank of the Willamette River in downtown Portland, Oregon. It is 36.59 acres

    The name of the park was changed in 1984 to honor former Oregon Governor Tom McCall. It is currently home to the Waterfront Blues Festival, Oregon Brewers Festival, Gay/Lesbian Pride Festival and The Bite of Oregon Festival. The park is also the host of many Rose Festival events.

  2. Not even crowded…wrong part of town???…or too early…too hot…too cold…or do I have it all wrong…I’m used to it…First???…

    • Kherri CLT via PDX says:

      Most people congregate on the other side of the bridge. Had Matt taken a picture facing south you probably would have seen more people.

  3. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    So where were all the windsurfers that people kept talking about? I didn’t see any. This looks like a nice river front park. Probably not crowded as it was a Friday, not a Saturday. I don’t see grills and tables. Are they under the tree areas? Hope so as that would make this the ultimate picnic space.

    • Kherri CLT via PDX says:

      This picture is on the Willamette River (runs N-S downtown), the windsurfers would have been on the Columbia (runs W-E north of Portland). This park, to my recollection, doesn’t have picnic tables or grills. Not that kind of park I guess you could say.

  4. Jeff says:

    Peaceful looking – with or without crowds… Sometimes the less the crowd the better.

  5. Don in Tennessee says:

    Looks like a nice park for taking your canine and playing frisbee, throwing a football or just relaxing! I like park friendly cities as people seem to come together and enjoy each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

  6. Candice in Alabama says:

    Matt, based on Flickr, were you on the Burnside bridge, taking the last couple of photos. That’s what I think.

  7. MN Roxanne says:

    What a great park and a fun view of the lift bridge in the back round…

  8. katzien in austin says:

    Nice area, I love it! Austin is pretty park-friendly and tree friendly too, but the homeless and panhandlers take over teh parks downtown so you don’t even want to go there and eat outside or take a lunchtime walk. It’s too bad.

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