Day 108

Pavement crack flower grid

April 16th, 2012

Fitting for the neighborhood that invented Scrabble


  1. Jamie says:

    Mother Earth just trying to reclaim what’s hers.

  2. Gigi says:

    So prettty! What kind of flowers are these .. anyone?

    • Mom says:

      It’s Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum), a pretty but invasive bulb. The foliage looks like that of crocus. I have to dig out clumps every year to keep it from taking over the garden.

      • Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

        I can’t get rid of them! My mother planted a few bulbs years ago and you can’t get rid of them. I dig and dig and if there is the tiniest of a piece of the bulb left in the ground you’ll have a clump in no time. Pretty yes but horribly invasive. They’ll never leave you! ha ha.

      • Gigi says:

        Thanks Mom! I guess it looks so pretty so you will smile at the flowers even though you want to see the end of it.

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