We'll get a much closer look at the towering Bronx Victory Memorial in Pelham Bay Park sometime in the future, but here it is from afar.
I'm not certain of this, because I was pretty far away, but I believe there is a wild parrot nest at the top of that light pole (located where I-95 cuts through Pelham Bay Park), and that hawk was, to no avail, checking the nest for tasty morsels. You can see what looks like a parrot nest in a larger version of this photo, and I could hear some raucous, parrot-like squawking in the area. Perhaps some of the birds resettled here after their homes at the park's nearby ball fields were removed during renovations a couple of years ago.
Here we are, back at that dump of a stable on Pelham Parkway that was largely torn down a few years ago when it was discovered to have been illegally built on DOT property. Even though the building has been declared unfit for human occupation, there is, last I heard, one poor horse still living inside.
UPDATE (Dec. 28, 2014): The owner and another guy live here too!
UPDATE (Apr. 29, 2015): NY Times — "A Squatter’s Last Stand at a Condemned Bronx Barn"
Because you can't very well kick a gentleman in the face with your drawers a-droopin'.
Contained inside the original — behind one of those diamond-patterned window screens, in fact
I think this was a wise business move for Mr. Obama — you can't just rely on fried chicken and credit repair.
UPDATE: You can find some info on this place and the man behind it here.
If Mayor Bloomberg has his way, this is the last wooden boardwalk the Rockaways will ever see.
It took out this traffic warning light, too! Here's how things used to look.
Remembering Troy Davis, Malcolm X, victims of Hurricane Sandy, and many others
Founded in 1999 by two homeless men, PTH advocates for the rights of the city's homeless and fights to end discriminatory legislation and law enforcement practices.
from beneath this difficult-to-describe structure in the Mount Eden Malls
A New Haven Line train makes its way south toward Manhattan.
This bifurcated roadway is the northern extension of Manhattan's famous Park Avenue.