Day 1346

9/11 memorial #259

September 6th, 2015


  1. Kathy Brody says:

    11/19/18 I was tickled to get an email today about your continued movement. Keep up the pace and let us know you’re ok.

  2. Ann Guido says:

    I just saw “The World At Your Feet” and I wanted to tell you how much I loved it. Although I live in Tucson AZ, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, so your walks and anecdotes really made my heart sing! Take care. Ann

  3. Ann Guido says:

    Excuse me! I should have said, “The World Before Your Feet.”


  4. Iris Prager says:

    Fabulous film Matt! I’m an exiled Brooklyn girl and loved it all! Keep on keeping on!

  5. David Barry says:

    Saw your film last night at the Calgary International Film Festival and it was amazing! I had read Helmreich’s book a number of years ago so it was great to see you bringing it to life. A big “Eh!” from all your Canadian friends!


  6. Kathleen In Oregon says:

    Took my daughter and grand-daughter to see your documentary last
    Nite. Got last 3 seats in 16-seat theatre. Front row!
    Very interesting. Thanks for your trek and effort. Almost to
    Tears seeing 9-11 memorials, esp eternal flame one.

  7. Kay in Bend OR says:

    I saw your film last eve at our quaint indie film venue: Tin Pan Alley. My husband asked me what I liked best and I said the history and trivia info, and talking w/people. Thanks for sharing your experience via film and blog.

  8. Barbara in Bend, OR says:

    Saw your film tonight with a girlfriend….we truly loved it! Loved the photos, the history, the people…all of it. You have inspired me to walk and explore my town more and I thank you for that!

  9. Allie in Portland OR says:

    Hey Matt!

    I’m now the third Oregonian telling you I loved the film and saw it today. I went through this big change earlier this morning and needed to get out to take my mind of things. SO I went to Cinema 21 in Portland and saw your documentary and it felt fated for my day. To realize that we can do whatever we want to do while we’re here is the most amazing thing after feeling like you’ve been taking it for granted. I know your story will help so many people to feel inspired in a lot of ways, but thank you for what it did for my heart today helping to remind mine. I hope you keep sharing these amazing experiences and history with all of us lucky to see it :)

  10. Jonathan Alston says:

    I saw the movie last night and loved it. You makes my once a week walk-abouts and hiking seem tame by comparison. You’ve inspired me to keep going and exploring. Thx!

  11. David Hollingsworth says:

    I saw the documentary last night and I really, really enjoyed. I wish I could do what you do. You see so much in places that most people ignore. Everyone, every place and everything has a story. This is amazing!

    • Lori Byrne says:

      Hi Matt, wanted to let you know we loved your documentary. People who are curious about life will love it. You are reminding everyone to take time to slow down and enjoy life . The stories, photos are all great. Keep on being you ! Make more please

  12. Bruce g says:

    Fabulous film Matt. Loved watching you interact with the great people of New York

  13. Vicky jordan says:

    Please publish book of 911 memorial photos.

  14. Judi greaney says:

    Hi Matt, I loved your film, reflections and being in the NOW. I am a native San Franciscan and walking the streets is the best way to truly immerse oneself the City. Thank you and keep on trekkin’

  15. CarlosFra says:

    Just watching your documentary from Chile. Amazing web, project and all !!

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